BNA Act stands for
The British North American Act
Pollical and economic issue in the Province of Canada in 1850s
political deadlock or ministerial instability
Name of new country
Dominion of Canada
Year Canada bough Rupert's Land & the North-western Territory from the Hudson's Bay Company
Term used to describe the responsibilities of each level of government
The year the BNA Act was approved
Issue regarding trade
End of the Reciprocity Treaty with the US & British Free Trade policy (BNA colonies were isolated from each other). Wish to create a domestic market
New capital and rational
Ottawa (formerly Bytown) - on border of QC & ON, farther away from US, and was new (Toronto, Kingston, Montreal, QC City)
Year British Columbia joined confederation with the promise of a transcontinental railway
In order for the provinces to fulfill their constitutional responsibilities, the federal gov't provides financial support in the form of
Colonies united under the BNA Act
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec & Ontario (formerly the Province of Canada - Canada East & West)
Issue regarding security & sovereignty
Fear of American western expansion (Manifest Destiny)
System of government
Federalism - division of powers (Federal & Provincial)
Year PEI joined confederation on the condition its debt be paid and connected to the mainland by ferry
First major crisis in post confederation
Metis uprising (1869) following the Canadian purchase of Rupert's Land and the arrival of government surveyors in Metis territory
Canada's 1st Prime Minister & his political party
John A. MacDonald - Conservative
order of conferences leading to the BNA Act
Charlottetown (Sept 1864), Quebec City (Oct 1864),
London (Dec 1866-Jan 1867)
Upper and Lower chamber
Senate & House of Commons
Following the settlement of the west, two new provinces are created in 1905
Alberta & Saskatchewan
Premier of QC who organized the first interprovincial conference in 1887
Honore Mercier
John A. MacDonald, Georges-Etienne Cartier and George Brown joined together in what is known as the
The Grand Coalition
Another term used to describe proportional representation, championed by George Brown
'Rep by pop'
Reason for why PEI & NFLD opted out of confederation
Islands with little use for a railroad & were the smallest compared to the others
Canada's status in the British Empire
Constitutional monarchy (headed by the King/Queen as represented by the GG) - controls internal affairs but the UK controls external affairs and army.
Issue(s) that made the French feel that they would always be a minority within the Dominion and that French Canadian rights were not being protected
Reil affair, abolishment of the rights to separate schools for Frech Catholics, protecting French rights in the provinces (Manitoba - Metis & New Brunswick - Acadians).