What is, any map?
This update changed the title and engine of the game?
When was, late 2023?
This jumping double stopped Liquid from winning the series on Mirage, and ruined North America forever.
Who is coldzera?
This desert wasteland has four flashes thrown long every round, yet none of them actually land.
What is Dust II?
Where is Mid on Inferno?
This updated added Danger Zone.
When was, late 2018?
This NA Legend held B-Site against Faze to help put C9 into OT, to eventually win the only NA Major.
Who is Stewbert2k?
This Mexican Rainforest is one of the most recent Valve made maps to be added to the game.
What is Ancient?
What is B-Site on Overpass?
This update added skins.
When was, late 2013?
This iconic deagle ace on Cache in 2015 ruined Titan's chances of ever winning anything ever.
Who is NiKo?
This German worksite is historically known as an awful time for terrorists to take.
What is Nuke?
What is mid on Mirage?
This update added Graffiti.
When was, late 2016?
This player dropped from Heaven on B-Site Cache with a double no-scope, and got a Graffiti for it against Fnatic.
Who is S1mple?
This Ukranianian Biohazard was a fan favourite in CS:GO
What is Cache?
What is B Site on Inferno?
This update added stickers.
When was, early 2014?
This pistol iconic cobble play was a 1v4 on Cobble during ESL NY 2016, and yet still lost the event.
Who is Snax?
This French county farmhouse is better well known for it's skins than gameplay.
What is Cobblestone?