It may seem bananas, but the letter K is the symbol for this element whose name actually begins with another letter
Stephenie Meyer:
"New Moon";
"Breaking Dawn"
Medieval Timbuktu was a college town offering university education out of these Islamic houses of worship
This insect's spots & bright color signal to predators that it will taste really bad if eaten
A time of fasting, this ninth month of the Islamic year is remembered as when the Koran was revealed to Muhammad
It was Daniel Fahrenheit who invented the thermometer that employs this element, Hg
J.R.R Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring;
The Two Towers,
The Return of the King
Lord of the Rings
The Agojie, an all-female army corps in the Kingdom of Dahomey, is at the center of this Viola Davis film
The woman king
A famous scene from this 1955 Disney film is nicknamed the "spaghetti kiss"
Lady and the Tramp
The pope also holds the title "Bishop of" this city
Among elements named for people is Röentgenium, in honor of Wilhelm Röntgen who discovered these imaging rays
C.S. Lewis:
"The Magician's Nephew";
"Prince Caspian";
"The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
The chronicles of narnia
In 1975, both Angola and Mozambique gained their independence from this Iberian country
This pop star said she died her hair blonde because she was tired of constantly being confused with Amy Winehouse
Lady Gaga
Meaning "my master" , this term refers to the chief religious official of a synagogue
Right before gold is this other precious metal, which should bring to mind a shade of blonde hair
George R.R. Martin:
"A Dance with Dragons";
"A Storm of Swords"
GOT or A song of ice and fire
This country, where "Casablanca" is set, is often considered the first to have recognized the U.S. by a 1777 shipping decree
When making a classic tiramisù, these small sponge cakes are soaked in espresso
In eastern religion, it's the belief that the soul comes back in a new body & identity, perhaps that of a lawyer or a squirrel
Going in order on the periodic table, uranium and neptunium are followed by this element named for a dwarf planet
R.L. Stine:
"The Ghost Next Door";
"Vampire Breath";
"Say Cheese & Die!"
Seen here is the flag of this country where Ellen Johnson Sirleaf took office as Africa's first elected female head of state in 2006
In legend, King Arthur got his beloved sword Excalibur from this woman who lived underwater
Lady of the lake
The cult of this 2-letter sun god of ancient Egypt reached its peak during the Old Kingdom around 2500 B.C.