Who Appears in every Star wars movie? (all answers neccessary)
C-3PO, R2-D2
In which Treaty was the Frankish empire divided?
Treaty of Verdun
Who killed Howard and Maria Stark?
Bucky/The Winter Soldier
Which country won the 2014 Fifa World cup?
In which system was the combat system changed
In the Lego Movie, Lucy is more commonly known as ...?
What happens in a Subduction zone
Two plates get pushed into each other resulting in one getting pushed below surface, usually producing volcanoes
In which MCU Movie was Switzerland (or something specifically in Switzerland) first mentioned?
Iron Man
"You have the right to remain silent" is the first part of?
the Miranda warning /the miranda rights
A stronghold is most common to generate with how many eyes
In the Lord of the Rings how old does Bilbo become on his Birthday at the start of the Movie "Fellowship of the Ring"? (as he says it -> 300 points, how we'd say it -> 100 points)
111, eleventy-one
When does a person need to start to fill out tax returns? (steuererklärung) (in Life, not the year)
As soon as they have a proffession or are 18 (what happens first)
Which country (apart from the USA) appears in the most marvel Movies, infinity Saga only?
Germany: Captain America 1, Avengers 1, Captain america 3, Spider Man Far From Home
what is the name of the Submarine that visited the lowest point on earth, that was ever visited by humans?
How many status effects are there?
Which Movie made the most Money at the Box-office?
Large Number Contest
Go in turns, name a bigger Number than the person before you, if you fail, you're out, 1st one out -> -400, 2nd one out -> +- 0, winner +400, using a formula that an opponent used already is forbidden, requires a clear definition not "last number +1"
ChatGPT = Judge
What does E.D.I.T.H. stand for?
Even dead, im the Hero
Ewig da, ich toter Held
What is the scotoma and why does it exist?
Blind Spot in the Human Eye, point where the optic nerve leaves the Eye
Which update added Basalt
In the Fack Ju Göthe Movies, how long was Zeki Müller in Prison?
13 months
When was modern Switzerland created?
In which Universe does Deadpool Prime live?
who was the second person to step on the moons surface?
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
Name two of the four latest april fools snapshots
20w14infinite, 22w13oneblockatatime, 23w13a_or_b, 24w14potato