Children's Games
Games Involving Physical Skill
Card and Dice Games
Strategy Games
More Strategy Games
Players exchange yes or no questions describing the silly facial features of the different game characters to try to figure out who each player is.
What is Guess Who?
Players move their hands and feet to the various four colors on the mat due to what the spinner calls out for them.
What is Twister
This game is played with 5 dice and players have 3 times to roll the dice per turn in hopes of completing one of the 13 different categories
What is Yahtzee
A real-estate game which allows players to purchase different properties around the board while trying to force other players into bankruptcy by building houses and hotels on their properties.
What is Monopoly
Players are fighting on six continents with their armies and are trying to take over all other player’s territories.
What is Risk
The goal is to get four game pieces in a row by alternating dropping game pieces into the holder.
What is Connect Four
54 wooden blocks are stacked in a tall building formation and players take turns pulling one block out at a time trying not to make the building come crashing down.
What is Jenga
Players are dealt cards and have to complete a series of 10 phases in order to win the game.
What is Phase 10
Players are fighting against each other in this game to become the king of the town the others are trying to destroy. The goal of this dice game is to eliminate all other players or be the first to reach 20 victory points.
What is King of Tokyo
The goal is to be the first player to achieve 10 victory points. This is done by strategically placing your roads, settlements, and cities in a way that allows you to use your resources to your full advantage. As well as trading resource cards with other players or using the ports to exchange resources.
What is The Settlers of Catan
Players race to get all of their pieces to the other side of the game board by jumping over their own pieces as well as opponents pieces.
What is Chinese Checkers
In a clear plastic tube there are 30 thin sticks poking through the tube horizontally and above the sticks are 32 marbles. The players alternate pulling out a different stick each turn and hoping they do not let any marbles fall down. The player who made the least amount of marbles fall wins.
What is KerPlunk
A card game where players race to empty their hands first and have the other players continually draw more cards.
What is Uno
The goal of this game is to create the longest train while also connecting your train to all of the cities on your destination cards.
What is Ticket to Ride
This game takes players through the journey of going to college, getting married and raising a family, buying a house and retiring.
What is The Game of Life
Players spin the spinner and are told to add or remove cherries from their bucket the goal is to be the first player to have 10 cherries in their bucket.
What is Hi Ho! Cherry-O
Players receive cards that tell them to remove a certain silly body part from the patient with the tweezers attached to the game.
What is Operation
Players move along the rainbow path and try to be the first to reach the candy castle.
What is Candy Land
Players travel from room to room trying to discover what player committed the murder with what weapon in what room.
What is Clue
This game involves each player to place their ships somewhere on the grid and then the players try to discover where all the other player’s ships are first by sinking their ships.
What is Battleship
Players travel along the game trying to reach the end at the top of the board, sometime they get lucky and get to climb a ladder closer to the top while sometimes they land on a chute and slide back down towards the bottom of the board.
What is Chutes and Ladders
Each player has a plastic hippo that faces the inside of the game. The goal is to have your hippo eat as many marbles as possible by pushing on their tails to have the hippos open their mouths.
What is Hungry Hungry Hippos
Players draw cards and move around the game board in hopes of getting their four pieces home. Players can knock other players pieces out of play if they land where the other player was if this happens they say “sorry!” and send them back to start.
What is Sorry!
Up to four players start in a different corner of the game board and connect their own colored pieces diagonally and try to block the other players from playing their biggest pieces.
What is Blokus
Players have 7 letters and try to turn them into words to place on the board game.
What is Scrabble