Governance is fun!
"Money makes the world go round......"
ERM (not for the meek)
NWP history
Pot Pourri of NWP!

This document is filed with the state and indicates our status as a P.C. and Benefit Corporation.

What is the Articles of Incorporation?


This revenue accounts for more than 80% of our income, and the $PMPM we recieve for each line of business is itemized in our MOU.

What is the basic capitated payment (BCP).


Our risk model has 17 risk statements, including our appetite and tolerance for those risks.  Governance, APE, and Public Policy are this kind of risk.

What are Captive Risks


The "Northern Permanente" hospital was opened in 1942 in this county.

What is Clark County?


NWP is a P.C.  PC does not stand for Personal Computer, Politically Correct, or Peace Corp, but does stand for this.

Professional Corporation 


We have 5 corporate values listed in our MVV, including compassion and inclusion.  There are three additional values listed.

What are Courage, Innovation, and Ownersip


Each year in the MOU there is an agreement between NWP and HP that provides a financial safety net for NWP, while ensuring that each entities goals are in alignment.

What is the Corridor?


Blue Bell is an ice cream company in Texas that was sued due to a safety issue which was felt to be in part due to lax board oversight.  Which two board duties were highlighted in this lawsuit?  

What are duty of due care and loyalty?


This structure was originally the Finnish Hall and was associated with the American Socialist party. It was purchased by Kaiser in 1976 and moved to its present location.

What is Town Hall?


This number of class A B and C shares can be sold in total. (based on the 2017 articles, not the recent revision)

What is 3 million shares? (1 million for each class)


Bylaws 5.5 indicates the board has complete charge of the business affairs, management, and administration of the company, but delegates daily management and administration to others.

Who are the President/CEO and officers?


This accounting maneuver helps us with our budget favorability, and recognizes that many colleagues join us toward the end of the year.

What is the Budget Plug?


This  caused  the problem settled in  the Bluebell lawsuit.

Listeria from tainted ice cream


Founded in 1964, this part of Kaiser did pioneering work on assessing and managing social determinants of health well before that was a main stream topic

What is the Center for Health Research?


This individual and this company present our yearly audit to the board.  The board affirms the audit, which indicates we meet accounting standards.  

Who is Marcy at Moss Adams?


Special board meetings can be called by the CEO, the chair, the secretary, the board, or even shareholders. This percent of shareholders eligible to vote are required to call a special meeting.

What are more than 10% of shareholders are required to call a special meeting?.


In these lines of business,  health plan has a persistently negative margin

What is Medicare and Medicaid?


This standard defines circumstances that have significant and lasting impact to NWP’s shareholders and is a lens for what determines board work. 

What is materiality?


NWP attended this meeting at Henry Kaiser's estate in 1955 which defind the ongoing relationship between Healthplan and the Permanente Medical groups.  (Though we were so small no one let us speak!)

What was the Tahoe Agreement?


This member self-reported access measure is part of our ICP but not part of our 2024 side agreements.

What is Ease of Scheduling?


In our 2018 bylaws (5.7), there is a provision for removal of directors. 

What is a 2/3  affirmative vote of Class A and C shareholders? 


In terms of major expense elements, NWP can control our compensation, extra clinic, and locums.  We also control this expense element, which can significantly effect our budget.

What is OMC (outside medical costs)?


This term indicates how much risk NWP is willing to accept to acheive our objectives.

What is a Risk Appetite?


During this decade KNPW membership grew four-fold, from 25K to 100K members.

What were the 1960s?


In 1995 NWP split from a national IT vendor to contract Epic for our EMR.  How many employees did Epic have at that time?

What is Less than 200.  (Currently Epic has more than 13,000 employees.)