Rules Lawyer
A Class Act
Spellbound & Down
Beauty and the Bestiary
Grab Bag of Holding

The outcome of a player rolling a Natural 20 on an attack role.

What is an automatic hit + critical hit?


You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

What is Second Wind?


This spell allows you to move at an incredible pace. When you cast this spell, and then as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spell ends, you can take the Dash action.

What is Expeditious Retreat?


Best known for it's Antimagic Cone, this creature is a large floating eye with many eye stalks.

What is Beholder?


The original creator of Dungeons & Dragons.

Who is Gary Gygax?


The maximum amount of attuned items a player can be attuned to excluding Artificer.

What is 3?


Starting at 5th level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.

What is Uncanny Dodge?


This spell grants the creature you touch the ability to understand any spoken language it hears. Moreover, when the target speaks, any creature that knows at least one language and can hear the target understands what it says.

What is Tongues?


Armed with a poisonous stinger, this monster is often mistaken as a true dragon by the uncultured.

What is Wyvern?


This Wondrous Item is often given to players very early and has the potential to ruin almost any campaign.

What is Bag of Holding


The 5 possible things to do on your turn.

What is Movement, Action, Interaction, Bonus Action, Reaction.


Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.

What is Stillness of Mind?


You place a magical command on a creature that you can see within range, forcing it to carry out some service or refrain from some action or course of activity as you decide.

If the creature can understand you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration. While the creature is charmed by you, it takes 5d10 psychic damage each time it acts in a manner directly counter to your instructions, but no more than once each day. A creature that can’t understand you is unaffected by the spell.

You can issue any command you choose, short of an activity that would result in certain death. Should you issue a suicidal command, the spell ends. You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it. A Remove Curse, Greater Restoration, or Wish spell also ends it.

What is Gaes?


Other than the Mimic, this monstrosity is the ONLY other shapechanger in it's category in 5th Editions original printing.

What is Doppelganger?


The first playable race in 5th Edition to offer a fly speed.

What is Aarakocra?


A Lightly Obscured area induces this effect on characters.

What is Disadvantage on Perception checks that rely on sight?


Starting at 14th level, you can use the Hide action as a bonus action on your turn. Also, you can't be tracked by nonmagical means, unless you choose to leave a trail.

What is Vanish?


You and up to ten willing creatures you can see within range assume a gaseous form for the duration, appearing as wisps of cloud. While in this cloud form, a creature has a flying speed of 300 feet and has resistance to damage from nonmagical weapons. The only actions a creature can take in this form are the Dash action or to revert to its normal form.

Reverting takes 1 minute, during which time a creature is incapacitated and can’t move. Until the spell ends, a creature can revert to cloud form, which also requires the 1-minute transformation.

If a creature is in cloud form and flying when the effect ends, the creature descends 60 feet per round for 1 minute until it lands, which it does safely. If it can’t land after 1 minute, the creature falls the remaining distance.

What is Wind Walk?

This member of the undead is the ONLY of it's kind to NOT be immune to poison in 5th Editions original printing.

What is Vampire / Vampire Spawn?


Name this Feat:

You are an expert at slinking through shadows. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can try to hide when you are lightly obscured from the creature from which you are hiding.
  • When you are hidden from a creature and miss it with a ranged weapon attack, making the attack doesn't reveal your position.
  • Dim light doesn't impose disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight.

What is Skulker?


How Surprise works. (definitely not a pet peeve)

What is the GM determines who might be surprised. If neither side tries to be stealthy, they automatically notice each other. Otherwise, the GM compares the Dexterity (Stealth) checks of anyone hiding with the passive Wisdom (Perception) score of each creature on the opposing side. Any character or monster that doesn’t notice a threat is surprised at the start of the encounter.

If you’re surprised, you can’t move or take an action on your first turn of the combat, and you can’t take a reaction until that turn ends. A member of a group can be surprised even if the other members aren’t.


By 15th level, you have acquired greater mental strength. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.

What is Slippery Mind?


By means of this spell, a willing creature or an object can be hidden away, safe from detection for the duration. When you cast the spell and touch the target, it becomes invisible and can’t be targeted by divination spells or perceived through scrying sensors created by the divination of spells.

If the target is a creature, it falls into a state of suspended animation. Time ceases to flow for it, and it doesn’t grow older.

You can set a condition for the spell to end early. The condition can be anything you choose, but it must occur or be visible within 1 mile of the target. Examples include "after 1,000 years" or "when the tarrasque awakes." This spells also ends if the target takes any damage.

What is Sequester?


Appearing in 5th Editions DMG, this beast has no known CR.

What is Giant Fly?


This clue was a Mimic!

-500 Points :D