Forever Young
Taking Care of Business
Let's Get It On
Law and Order
Do I know you?

A blond Bobie would take this pet, known for loving carrots, on leashed walks around the Sacramento area.

What are rabbits?


One Bobie’s work travel took her to this work-inappropriate locale, sometimes known as a gentleman’s club.

What is a strip club?


A Bobie once got it on with her beau on this structure, also known as the “hat” of a building.

What is the roof?


This Bobie mom got roofied at the Bungalow, a classic Santa Monica joint.

Who is Shailini?


This Bobie once accidentally purchased $150 worth of weed. Ironically, she would later become intimately acquainted with measuring in grams…

Who is Emma?


This heterochromious and tyrannical Bobie invented a game called Jack Town, where she was the mayor and there were no elections.

Who is Cat?


This media studies major Bobie had a college internship with a bunch of minor celebrities.

Who is Lauren?


This Bobie broke up with her first boyfriend because he wouldn't kiss her. 

Who is Vicki?


One bobie committed this modern day crime when she wore a Pocahontas costume for Halloween in 4th grade.

What is cultural appropriation?


This west-coast native Bobie got wild at EDC and took ecstasy in 2010.

Who is Shailini?


Emma experienced this romantic rite of passage on her 18th birthday.

What is a first kiss?


Mariam’s first internship offer was a deception also known as this - a trick where a person presents themselves in one way, but the reality is something else.

What is catfishing?


One Bobie had a rupture in this reproductive organ.

What is the ovary?


Among other things, Cat’s Instagram hacker flooded her apartment with which taxpayer-funded paper goods?

What are USPS packing supplies?


This Bobie is legally a lesbian in Massachusetts, thanks to a typo on her SO’s ID. 

Who is Lauren?


Lauren adopted this common childhood persona, characterized by roughhousing and wearing hats, to appeal to a crush.

What is a tomboy?


One Bobie’s modeling career focused on this part of the body, containing the metacarpals.

What is the Hand?


A Bobie has rubbed shoulders with and gotten winks from this handsome New Jersey Senator.

Who is Cory Booker?


This older-sister Bobie has talked her way into strangers homes to use the bathroom, twice, probably narrowly avoiding murder.

Who is Cat?


This Bobie might have missed her calling as a salesperson. In one of her first jobs, they were the top-performing Greenpeace fundraiser outside of a grocery store.

Who is Cat?