The veins in a leaf are made up of these two tissues
What are xylem and phloem
The growth response of a plant to light
What is phototropism
The body system that does a gas exchange
What is the Respiratory system?
What is the male reproductive called
what is the Steman?
What is the body system protects the body
What is the integumentary system?
The structure that protects and nourishes
What is a seed?
The growth response of a plant to touch
The system that gets rid of body waste
What is the exerctory system?
What is the female reproductive called
What is the Pistil ?
The colorful, often scented parts of a flower that attract pollinators
What are petals?
The transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma
What is pollination?
When a vine wraps around a trellis, it is demonstrating this type of tropism
What is thigmotropism
What is the system that controls the body functions .
What is the nervous system?
What is the part of the female reproductive called that holds it up
What is the style?
The process by which plants return water vapor to the atmosphere
What is transpiration?
The sugar produced by plants during photosynthesis
What is glucose?
Root growth downwards is an example of this type of gravitropism
What regulates the body
What is the endocrine system?
Asexaul vs Sexaul what is different
asexual and sexual.Sexual involes gametes and does NOT create genticaly identical offspring while asexaul does.
The ripened ovary of a flower that contains seeds
What is a fruit?