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Body Terms
Girls, Girls, Girls
All About You Guys
Healthy Habits
There is one "perfect" body type that everyone should strive for. True or False?
False. There is no "perfect" shape or size. Everybody is beautiful and unique in their own way.
________ ________ are unhealthy relationships with food that may include fasting, constant dieting, or binging and purging.
Eating disorders
Girls typically feel pressure to be thin. True or False?
True. The media tends to portray the "ideal woman" as being thin and beautiful; however, women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes.
Guys typically feel pressure to be big and muscular. True or False?
True. Men are portrayed in the media as being muscular and strong. This negative perspective is reinforced by factors such as friends, family, role models, and our culture.
Body size and weight are predictors of happiness. You can not be happy unless you are an "ideal" weight. True or False?
False. Body size and weight are NOT predictors of happiness, success, or health. You can be happy regardless of what size or shape you are because everyone is beautiful in their own way.
It is normal for teenagers to have low self-esteem. True or False?
False. Low self-esteem is not normal for anyone at any age; however, it is unfortunately very common. Low self-esteem is a major issue, and it can lead to other health problems down the road.
_______ _______ is how a person sees and feels about their body.
Body image
Girls feel the biggest pressure to be thin by comparing themselves to their peers. True or False?
True. In a recent study, it was shown that girls feel the most pressure to be thin from comparing themselves to their friends.
Body image is only an issue for girls. True or False?
False. Body image is an issue for both girls and guys of all ages. Typically, males feel pressure to be muscular and females feel pressure to be thin.
It is easier to feel good about yourself and your body when you are around others who are supportive and who recognize the importance of liking yourself just as you naturally are. True or False?
True. Being around friends and family who are supportive and like you for who you are is a helpful step towards developing a positive body image about yourself.
Long term competition between peers can lead to negative body image and eating disorders. True or False?
True. It has been proven that peer competition has a significant influence on body dissatisfaction and in the long term can lead to issues such as eating disorders.
_______ _______ is confidence in your own self-worth or abilities; self-respect.
If Barbie were a real life person, her body proportions would seem normal. True or False?
False. If Barbie were an actual woman, she would fit the physical criteria for anorexia and would have to walk on all fours due to her outrageous body proportions.
Men feel better about themselves, and have a more positive body image, after looking at pictures of attractive females. True or False?
False. Men report feeling less confident in their bodies after looking at pictures of attractive females because of the belief that "hot girls are only attracted to hot guys".
What are 2 things an individual with a heathy body image believes/knows to be true?
Healthy bodies come in different shapes and sizes. Body size and weight do not predict happiness, success, or health. People are more than numbers on a scale; every person is a unique individual with admirable talents, skills, and abilities. Images in the media are unrealistic and are created to sell products. *answers may vary
List 3 things that influence our body image.
Culture, peers, media, and the weight loss industry. *answers may vary
_______ _______ are attitudes or behaviours that are considered normal, typical, or average within a particular group of people.
Cultural norms
How has the "ideal body type" for a woman changed overtime?
Overtime the "ideal" body type for a woman has gotten progressively thinner and thinner, while the average woman has gotten slightly bigger. *answers may vary
What percent of men in today's society feel unhappy with their bodies?
45%, or almost half.

List 3 things you can do to help support the development of a positive body image.

- Keep a list of your positive qualities that have nothing to do with your appearance. 

- Surround yourself with people who are supportive and who make you feel good about yourself. 

- Treat your body with respect and kindness. Making a pact with yourself to treat your body with respect, which includes eating well and not embarking on punishing exercise routines. 

- Trying to shift to a healthier focus of how your body functions and consider all it helps you do in life, rather than just focusing on how it looks. Accepting and valuing your genes and genetics (love your traits as you love your family). 

*answers may vary


List 2 consequences of having a negative body image and low self-esteem.

Body image is closely linked to self-esteem. Low self-esteem in adolescents can lead to eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and more. *answers may vary

______ ______ is the most common body type. These individuals have medium metabolism, broad shoulders and narrow hips, and are good at sports like hockey and sprinting.
How have the new Barbie dolls changed, and what impact will these changes have on body image?
The new Barbie collection added Barbies that are "tall", "petite", and "curvy", as well as dolls with different hair colours, skin colours, and hair textures. This has a positive impact on body image, as it demonstrates that there is no one body type that is better than the others. These dolls show that all bodies are beautiful. *answers may vary
List 3 things that influence a man's body image.
Teasing in childhood and adolescence (being called too thin, too weak, or too fat). Peer pressure among teenage boys to be physically “tough” and “strong”. A cultural tendency to judge people on their appearance. The emphasis on male sports players as role models for boys. Advertising campaigns and media coverage featuring idealised male image. Promotion by society of the “ideal” man as always being strong, lean and muscular. Well-meaning public health campaigns that urge people to lose weight. *answers may vary

What are 3 nice things you can do for your body to promote your mental health?

It is important to do something that lets your body know you appreciate it, such as taking a bubble bath, making time for a nap, or finding a peaceful place outside to relax. *answers may vary