Body Positivity
Media and Body Image
Body Image around the World
Body Image in History
How We Think About Our Bodies

This movement encourages everyone to love and accept their bodies, no matter what they look like

What is body positivity


This kind of editing is often done to photos in magazines to make people look perfect, even if they aren't in real life.

What is Photoshoppin

  • In this country, the idea of "hygge" is about being cozy and taking care of yourself, which can help people feel good about their bodies.
  • What is Denmark?
  • During this period, being full-figured was seen as beautiful, and many paintings showed this body type.
  • What is the Renaissance
  • This disorder makes people worry too much about small flaws in their looks, even if others don't notice them.
  • What is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

THis word means liking your body just the way it is, even if it's not perfect.

What is self-acceptance


When people compare themselves to what they see on TV or social media, it can make them feel bad about their own bodies. What is this called?

What is social comparison?

  • In some African cultures, larger bodies are celebrated as signs of wealth and health. What are these special traditions called
  • What is fattening rooms
  • In the 19th century, the "Gibson Girl" was the ideal body type, with a curvy figure. What time period was this?
  • What is the Victorian era?
  • This term describes how someone thinks and feels about their body.

  • What is body image?

This popular hashtag is used when people post natural photos without any filters or edits

What is #NoFilter


This term means that the media shows only a few types of "perfect" bodies, making people think they have to look a certain way.

What is body idealization?

  • In Japan, this concept is about finding purpose in life, which helps people feel good about their bodies and minds.
  • What is "ikigai"
  • In the 1920s, women who wanted to look like "flappers" aimed for a slim, boyish figure. What was this decade called?
  • What are the  roaring 1920s?
  •  This idea suggests that saying nice things to yourself can help you feel better about your body.

  • What is self-affirmation?

This phrase means that all bodies are good bodies, no matter their size or shape.

What is "Everybody is a good body"


When ads show people with different body types to make everyone feel included, what is it called?

What is inclusive marketing?

  • This ancient Indian practice helps people connect with their bodies through poses, breathing, and meditation.
  • What is yoga?
  • This French queen was famous for her beauty, and her portraits set beauty standards in her time.

  • Who is Marie Antoinette?
  • When someone feels bad about their body and starts avoiding people or places, what is this called?
  • What is social withdrawal

What is the main purpose of  fashion magazine

What is to convince people that something is wrong with them


This 2015 documentary is about how media affects how people feel about their bodies, and what we need to do with the bodies that God gave us

  • What is "Embrace them"?
  • In some Western countries, this mental illnes
  • happens when people feel they have to be very thin to be beautiful.

  • What is anorexia?
  • This famous Greek statue shows what people back then thought was the perfect male body.

  • What is the Doryphoros
  • This type of therapy helps people change negative thoughts about their bodies.
  • cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?