Factors that influence body image & self-esteem
Inner beauty
How to have a positive body image
Facts and Myths about body image & self-esteem

Do friendships affect your self-esteem?

Yes.  Friendships can both help and harm self esteem and body image. 


Being funny is an example of which internal beauty category?   Personality, skills, or values?



Name 1 way to make someone feel good about themselves.

Give someone a compliment, smile, ask about their life, etc.


______ percent of people under the age of 18 feel have a negative body image.  

A.  48%

B.  12%

C.  66%

C.  66%


Being bullied can fall in which 2 categories of factors that can influence body image?

A.  Your abilities/skills

B.  Social Media

C.  Puberty

D.  Peers/School

B & D  (social media and peers/school)


What does it mean to have a skill?

The ability to do something that comes from experience, training, and/or practice.


What types of feelings are associated with negative body image?  Select all that apply!

A.  Fear

B.  Excitement

C.  Anxiety

D.  Sadness/depression

A, C, D


How many Americans suffer from low self-esteem?

A.  85%

B.  38%

C.  75%

A.  85%


Self-esteem is how we feel about our physical appearance or looks.  True or false?

False - self esteem is how we value and respect ourself and deals with self-worth.


Name 2 things that would fall under the "skills" category of internal beauty.

Cooking, sports, typing fast, reading well, build things, etc.


How is social media shaping and negatively affecting our concept of beauty?

Instagram and other social media platforms define beauty as skin deep.  The use of filters and highlighting beauty features such as full lips, small nose, fake eyelashes, etc gives unrealistic expectations of what beauty actually is.  These things can give us insecurities and trigger negative body image concerns.


Explain why this is a myth:  You can't fake confidence.

People with low self-esteem often don't believe in themselves and they act more confident than they actually feel.  


How can past experiences influence our body image and/or self-esteem?

Life experiences and trauma can contribute to both positive and negative body image.


What does this phrase mean?  "Beauty is more than skin deep."

Beauty is not something that is just superficial...it's what's inside that's more meaningful, such as your character, abilities, personality, and values.


Explain this statement: I can choose to have a good or bad attitude each and every day.

True - no matter what's going on in your life, your attitude is a choice.  If you fill your mind with negativity, you will experience a negative outlook on life.   Positive thinking can help you have a better mindset and make smart decisions.


Being skinny or thin means you are healthy.  Myth or fact?  EXPLAIN ALSO!

Myth - there are many factors that affect your health besides weight.  Just because you are thin doesn't mean your heart, lungs, or other organs are healthy.  You can still be skinny and eat unhealthy.  You can also be thin and have a high percentage of body fat.


This stage of teenagers lives can really affect how they think of themselves.  This time is known as _______?



1.  What are values?  

2.  Give 3 examples of values

Values are what you believe in and what are most important in your life.  Examples: Family, school, money, Honesty, Love, etc.


How can setting goals for yourself help you to have positive body image and self-esteem?

It can help you feel motivated and, in turn, feel good about yourself.  It can also allow you to know what makes you happy, which increases your overall well-being.


Instagram is the worst social networking platform that causes negative body image and low self-esteem.  Recent statistics reported that _____ percent of teen girls and _____ percent of teen boys experience negative social comparison to others and pressure to show positive pictures or posts to the world.

A.  80%, 50%

B.  60%, 40%

C.  90%, 60%

B.  60% girls, 40% boys