What should be on about half of your plate at each meal?
What is the recommended amount of exercise for teenagers per day?
60 mins
What does body image mean?
How you see and feel about your own body.
What is self-esteem?
How you value and perceive yourself.
What is the drink of choice AND WHY?
Water, because it has no calories, sodium, fats, or sugars, and is essential for all cell and body functions.
Name one benefit of regular physical activity.
It helps maintain a healthy weight, helps improve mental health, helps improve cardiovascular health.
Name something (from our presentations) that can cause or be caused by poor body image?
Depression, self-harm, anxiety, drug use or steroid use, eating disorder, etc.
Name one factor that can contribute to high self-esteem.
Positive self talk, positive comments from others, a positive body image, setting and achieving goals, etc.
Why is it important to eat a variety of foods?
To ensure you get all necessary nutrients for growth and health.
Name a type of exercise that improves flexibility.
Stretching, yoga.
Name a common influence on body image?
Media, friends and family opinions.
How can negative self-talk influence self-esteem?
It can lower self-worth and create feelings of inadequacy.
What role do vitamins and minerals play in maintaining a healthy body?
They help support bodily functions, boost the immune system, and keep bones strong.
How can physical fitness boost self-esteem?
It improves body image and increases confidence.
How can social media affect body image satisfaction?
It can create unrealistic standards and lead to comparison.
What is one strategy to build self-esteem?
Setting small goals, positive affirmations, doing nice things for others, etc
How can unhealthy eating habits affect your self-esteem?
They can lead to body dissatisfaction and negatively impact mental health.
How does exercise improve mental health?
It can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
What is a healthy way to improve body image?
Focus on self-acceptance and positive affirmations. Spend less time on social media. Take more time for personal care habits.
How does over-reliance on appearance for self-esteem affect you?
It can lead to superficial relationships and a lack of self-acceptance. If your body changes, you may think of yourself negatively. Leads to not valuing your personality.