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These Professionals work with you guys with your mental health and sit down and talk with you about your problems. You may do check-ins with them.

Bonus Pts: What are their names on the floor

Who are Clinicians/Therapist

Bonus Pt: Who are Esther and Courtney?


You may do this to increase your heart health. It includes moving around a lot and getting your heart rate up.

No weights are included

What is cardio?
(running, zumba, dancing, crossfit, elliptical, martial arts etc)


You may do this by closing your eyes and taking deep controlled breaths to help with mental health.

No thoughts, just breathing

What is meditation?


This veggie is really good for your eyesight!

What is a carrot?


Tupac, Biggie Smalls, XXXTentacion...

Who are famous rappers?


These people support you through your life. You may go out with them to get pizza or talk with them about fun things. They may be around your age

Who are friends?


These people are those who take care of you when your body is not feeling well. They may give you medicine or treat your aches and pains

Bonus Pts: Who are the two here today on the floor?

Who are nurses/doctors

Bonus Pts: Who are Jim and Nathalie


This may different for everyone. Someone may take bubble baths, some may do face masks, some may spend time in nature. 

What is self-care?


This food group helps to heal your skin, build muscle and keep you from having anemia (low red blood cell count)

What is protein? (Chicken, beef, pork, fish, beans)


Wendy's, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Papa Ginos, Little Caesar, Burger King

What is Fast Food?

This person is the Program Director of the YCCS!

Who is So Hee Ahn?


This may make your muscles grow and help release some excess stress. You may go to the gym for this and use dumbbells 

What is weight lifting?


This mental health concern can cause your heart to race, gives you scary thoughts, make your palms sweaty, knees weak....tummy may be doing loops

Bonus Pt: An episode of this if someone has this concern can cause a "mental shutdown" and impending doom

What is anxiety?

What is a panic attack?


this vitamin/mineral is really good for your bones, but you can also find it in Milk

What is calcium?


Genesis G90, Panemera, Bentayga, Lambo...

What is a luxury car?


This group may consist of siblings, aunts, uncles. Sometimes it can also be step siblings, god parents too!

What is Family?


This exercise originated in India and it involves a lot of stretching and breathing.

Bonus Pt: Name a pose/exercise in this exercise?

What is yoga?


You need 8 hours of this to help you feel well rested. Sometimes it can be disrupted and that stinks!

What is sleep?


This food group may contain some of your favorite foods: potatoes, rice, pasta, sweet potatoes, fries, bread etc.

What are carbs?


Patrick Ewing, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Who are famous basketball players?


These people help to keep you safe on the floor, make sure you transition well and help you with snacks!

Bonus Pts: name a few

Who are the Floor Staff?


Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu, Taekwondo...

What are mixed martial arts?


You may do this when you feel overwhelmed and need to take a break from people.

What is "Taking space".


You may have this help keep you regular in your BMs, keep your body hydrated and usually has the healthiest foods as options to get it

What is fiber?


Femur, Tibula, Meta tarsals, spine....

What are bones?