This part of the body contains 10 of the 20 nails that we have and is located on the lower part of the body.
Toe / Toes
It is the part that can be used with different styles and lengths such as long or short.
This part is used by all of us to have a "taco" of ....
Eye / Eyes
It is the part of the body you sat on to get a good look when you were a child.
Shoulder / Shoulders
We give ourselves many hits of ......... when we feel guilty
In this part of the body where there are other parts and it is one of the most important ones
Is the part of the body which you can touch someone or something.
Hand / Hands
Is the part that we use to find out the gossip.
Ear / Ears
I have only four letters
but your weight I hold.
If you treat me gently
I will take you anywhere.
Is where the rings are usually placed
Finger / Fingers
Is the part that stands out in the character of Quico (!No me simpatizas!)
Is the part that roars when you are hungry.
It is the part that Shakira moves in every song.
Is the part that highlights your look
It has five letters,
beginning with E,
ends with W and,
is located behind
Is the part that most men grow in the gym.
Arm / Arms
It is the part that every athlete dreams of having as new.
Is the part that you usually bend when you are walking.
Is a part that opens and closes and keeps the tongue, what is it?
With them, we can walk,
we can run
we can jump
What are they?
Leg / Legs
Is the part of the body that you should brush every night.
Hair grows in this part especially in men and some of them would like to have it in the form of a padlock and not as a goat.
Is the part that help you to breathe.
Is the part of the body you hit or touch when you do something wrong.
This part of the body is the one between the shoulders and the head