What is an eye?
This body part helps you see.
What is a hand?
You wave hello with this body part
What are jaw muscles?
These are the strongest muscles in your body.
What is a nose?
You use this to smell things.
What are fingers?
You have five of these on each hand
What are fingernails?
This part of your body never stops growing.
What is hair?
This is on top of your head and can be short or long
What is a wrist?
This body part connects your hand to your arm
What are bones?
Your body has 206 of these.
What are teeth?
You use these to chew food.
What is an elbow?
You bend this part when you lift your hand to your face.
What is a tongue?
This part of your face is unique, like a fingerprint.
What are ears?
You hear with these.
What are arms?
This body part helps you hug people.
What are bones?
Babies have more of these than adults.