If you are walking for long time your what might hurt?
Pes, pedes
Foot, feet
Your hold body hurts, what is body in latin
corpus, corpora
A hour has passed but in latin you'd say that a what has passed
hora has passed
What column looks like a cinnamon roll? Yum
Ionic column, and you have to say column in your answer!!!
if I am wearing a reed shirt what color shirt am I wearing
if your tooth hurt your would tell the dentist in Rome your what hurts
your dens, dentes hurts 😭🦷
your coma
I was gone for mouth you were gone for how long in latin
what column look like a a simple column
a dorica columna
In Harry Potter Albus Dumbldor has what color beard (HINT it is in his name)
he has a white beard
You friend wants to get you attenchon so she taps you on your shoulder, or you could call it your what
This Jeopardy has taken how long to make (I day in latin)
I want to move my water from this mouton to my house, what can I use in Rome
an aquaeductus, or a aqueduct
what color is fire
If you brake your neck and go to a Rome docter you would say you broke your what
I smile vary wide so you can see all my what
dens dentes
quid es now, noctes
If you want to go to the center of the city to by something for the market, where would you go
to the forum
prasinus and flavus make what color (Give answer in latin)
What is a derivative of the latin word for a body part on your face
anything that makes seance
Your playing head, shoulder, knees, and toes what would the translate to in latin (Hint, there is no word for toes in latin so toes is just toes)
caput, humerus, genus, et toes
Odysseus was missing of annus, how long was he missing
If you were walking on the street in Rome and you found a man making a templum, what would you say
"Aedificat" Which means he builds
If I mix ruber and albus together it would make what