Internet Safety

Who's the boss of your body?



Give an example of a Safe Secret.

Surprise party, presents, new pet or baby, getting an award


What is the body safety rule?

No, Go, Tell


Do you share your passwords with your best friends?

No, passwords should be kept secret between you and a Trusted Adult.


Why do people bully or hurt others?

They want to use power to control them.


What are the parts of our bodies covered by swimsuits?

Private Parts


How do you know if you can give someone a hug?

Ask them and wait for their answer!


What is the difference between tattling and telling/reporting?

Telling/Reporting - Someone needs help

Tattling - Getting someone in trouble


What are examples of personal information we should NOT share online?

Personal Information: Name, age, phone number, address, school, family, pictures


What are things we should do if we see someone being bullied?

Help Them! Stand up for them, Get them away from bully, Report to a trusted Adult


What are two reasons adults may need to touch or look at one's private parts?

To Keep Us Clean & Healthy


What's the difference between safe and unsafe secrets?

Safe secrets make people happy; unsafe secrets hurt people.


How do you help someone younger than you get help if someone is touching or looking at their private parts?

Help them find a Trusted Adult


TRUE or FALSE: People may say things online that why would not say in person.

TRUE - Some people choose to say mean things online that they wouldn't say to someone in person. This is NOT okay.


What are the "6 magic words" to use when bullying takes place?

"Please Stop I Don't Like That."


TRUE OR FALSE: Only strangers or bad people will look at or touch our private parts?

FALSE: Family, Friends and people we know might hurt us.


What should you do if you tell someone you need help and they do not help you or believe you?

Find another Trusted Adult and tell them you need help.


What are some reasons someone may not say "No" to unsafe touches?

Scared, Confused, Embarrassed, Afraid of Getting In Trouble, Someone Threatened Them, It May Be Someone They Know, etc.


Should you ever meet someone in person that you have only ever talked to online?

NO, you should never meet someone in person that you have only interacted with online.


What are some things you could do if you are unsure someone is being bullied?

Ask the person if they feel bullied, Intervene - Tell the bully it's not okay to treat people that way, Seek help from a Trusted Adult


If someone touched your private parts and you didn’t tell them “NO,” is what happened your fault?

No, it is always the fault of the person who hurts us. It is NEVER your fault if someone hurts you.


What makes someone a Trusted Adult?

Someone You Know

Someone Older Than You or is an Adult

Human (not a pet or person online)

Helping People (Police, Fire, EMS, 9-1-1, Teachers, Nurses)


If someone dares you to touch someone else's private parts or talk about private parts, what should you do?

Don't do it! Tell them it's not okay to touch someone else's private parts. Change the subject. Report to a Trusted Adult.


Are the people you chat with online considered friends?

No, they can be internet friends, but unless we know them in person, we cannot guarantee they are who they say they are.


Give 5 examples of different types of bullying. At least 1 physical, 1 verbal and 1 nonverbal example.

Physical - Hitting, kicking, pushing, biting, spitting

Verbal - Name calling, threatening, spreading rumors

Nonverbal - Excluding, Cyberbullying, Gestures