What is the male reproductive cell?
Sperm/ spèm
What organ filters waste from the blood?
What is the main muscle for breathing?
Diaphragm/ dyafragm
What gland is known as the "master gland"?
Pituitary gland/ glann pituitè
What organ pumps blood through the body?
Heart/ kè
What is the organ where a baby develops?
Uterus/ matris
What tube carries urine from the kidney to the bladder?
Ureter/ irèt, tib pipi
What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs?
Alveoli/ alvewòl
What hormone regulates blood sugar?
Insulin/ ensilin
What is the medical term for joint inflammation?
Arthritis/ Atrit
What hormone is responsible for male characteristics?
Testosterone/ testostewòn
What is the medical term for urination?
Micturition/ miksyon
What is the tube that connects the throat to the lungs?
Trachea/ trache
What gland controls metabolism?
Thyroid gland/ glann tiwoyid
What type of blood vessel carries blood to the heart?
Vein/ venn
What is the process of an egg release from the Ovary?
Ovulation, ovilasyon
What is the muscular sac that stores urine?
Bladder/ vesi, sak pipi
What is the inflammation of the bronchi called?
Bronchitis/ Bwonchit
What is the hormone responsible for the "fight or flight" response?
Adrenaline/ adrenalin
What type of muscle is the heart?
Cardiac muscle/ misk kadyak
Why male can't give birth?
because they don't have a uterus/paske yo pa gen matris
What is the inability to control urination called?
Incontinence/ enkontinans
What is the medical term for difficulty breathing?
Dyspnea/ souf kout, difikilte pou respire
What disease is caused by a lack of insulin?
Diabetes Mellitus/ dyabèt sik
What is the condition of high blood pressure called?
Hypertension/ tansyon wo