This systems contains your bones.
The skeletal system
Respiratory system body parts (1)
What are the two systems that help us move our body?
The muscular and skeletal system
This system sends and receives messages.
The nervous system
The digestive system body parts (3)
Mouth, esophagus, and stomach
The digestive system helps move our body. True or false?
What is the system that helps you take deep breathes?
The respiratory system
The cardiovascular system body parts (3)
Heart, arteries, veins
The cardiovascular system is also known as the __________ ________.
Circulatory system
What is the system that helps move blood through the rest of your body?
The cardiovascular system
The muscular system body parts (1)
The cardiovascular system is when the heart pumps blood throughout the heart. True or false?
What is the system that helps move your body while also protecting your organs like your skull and rib?
The skeletal system
The nervous system body parts (3)
Brain, spinal cord, nerves
We breath in _________ and exhale _________ _________
Oxygen; carbon dioxide