Circulatory System
Bonus Category: Video Game Jargon
Skeletal System
Bonus Category: Movie Title Synonyms
Digestive System

This is the central organ of the circulatory system.

What is the heart?


A term for someone who's probably taking the game a little too seriously, and is playing to win at all costs.

What is a sweat? (or tryhard, or no-lifer)


This ghoulish bone contains your brain, eyes, and teeth.

What is the skull?


The Japanese Martial Art Youth

What is The Karate Kid?

This organ is an elastic sac that does a lot of your body's primary digestion.

What is the stomach


This substance is moved around the body to transport nutrients and oxygen.

What is blood?


A term used for an outfit, color scheme, or other major change to your character's appearance.

What is a skin?

This set of bones protects many critical organs in your torso, like your heart, lungs, and stomach.

What is the rib cage?


The Quick And the Enraged

What is The Fast and the Furious?


This organ is a tube that connects your mouth to the rest of your digestive system.

What is the esophagus?


This is one of the three specific names for types of blood vessels.

What are arteries/veins/capillaries?

An acronym used to describe shooter games where the camera is placed in the player character's viewpoint, as if you're looking through their eyes.

What is an FPS (First Person Shooter)?


This bone, located at the base of your spine and the top of your legs, does a lot of swinging when you dance!

What is the pelvis?


Plaything Narrative

What is Toy Story?


This organ is a coiled tube in your belly that absorbs nutrients from mostly-digested food.

What is the small intestine?


This is what's in blood that gives it its red color.

What are red blood cells?


A term used to describe a challenge playthrough where the player tries to get from 'press start' to the credits as fast as they possibly can.

What is a speedrun?


This bone, located in one of your limbs, is the longest bone in the human body.

What is the femur?


Raven Big Cat

What is Black Panther?


This organ is the last major part of your digestive system, turning whatever remains of digested food into waste.

What is the large intestine?


This is the name for the substance in blood that the cells are floating in.

What is plasma?


A term used by the fighting game community when you defend against a risky attack, then attack while your opponent is vulnerable.

What is a punish?


This bone, located in your upper arm, is referred to as the 'funny bone' due to its name.

What is the humerus?


The Array Of Four Numbers In A Grid

What is The Matrix?


This is the organ where digestion first begins in your digestive system.

What is the mouth?