"You're gonna need a bigger boat."
What is Jaws?
This organ is the primary part of what's called the 'Central nervous system'.
What is the brain?
You can find the statue of the silver screen hero Rocky at this spot in Philadelphia.
Where is the bottom of the stairs to the art museum?
This paired organ is the primary part of the respiratory system.
What are the lungs?
What is the Nintendo DS?
"On your left."
What is Avengers: Endgame? (Or Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
These connectors carry impulses and signals through the body to control it.
What are nerves?
Philadelphia's City Hall sits at the precise intersection of these two streets.
What are Market Street and Broad Street?
This tube connects the mouth to the rest of your respiratory system.
What is the windpipe?
These bulky chunks of black plastic used to be how we watched movies, before they were rendered outdated by DVDs, before those were rendered outdated by streaming.
What is a VCR tape?
"Coincidence? I think NOT!"
What is The Incredibles?
What is a neuron?
Sitting 8 blocks east of City Hall, this historical site is known for its relevance to the American Revolution.
What is Independence Hall?
What is oxygen?
This infamous computer glitch made people paranoid that the coming of the year 2000 would cause an apocalypse.
What is the Y2K bug?
"Must go faster. Must go faster!"
What is Jurassic Park?
What is electrical energy?
This street, not far from Temple University, is most known for its old-fashioned green trolleys--when they're running, anyways.
What is Girard Street?
This chemical is necessary for photosynthesis, and is expelled by the lungs.
What is carbon dioxide (CO2)?
These long-winded advertisements, filled to the brim with 'Call now!' and 'But wait, there's more!' used to be a staple of cable TV.
What is an infomercial?
"I just shot Marvin in the face."
What is Pulp Fiction?
The rest of your nervous system that is NOT your central nervous system is referred to by this term.
What is the peripheral nervous system?
Located by the Schuylkill River, at the dividing line between Center City and University City, this building is a frequent first destination for visitors to Philadelphia.
What is the William H. Gray 30th Street Train Station?
These miniscule, cloud-shaped parts of the lungs are where the primary gas exchange in respiration happens.
What are bronchioles?
This company, now a household name, used to be a service that would mail you DVDs and let you keep them as long as you wanted, before you sent them back to get new ones.
What is Netflix?