I house the heart
These are elevated to help fight off the infection
What is white blood cells (WBC)
To prevent skin breakdown, I reposition my patients every
What is 2 hours
To meet our patient's needs, this is developed
What is a care plan
My pulse is 120, medically; this is
What is tachycardia
Some disorders you may see are Psoriasis, Raynaud's and lupus that affect the skin, what system am I
Integumentary System
Correctly bending down to pick up a box is using effect and efficient
What is body mechanics
This vital sign is increased with the immune system is responding to an infection
What is temperature
Meaning of dysuria
My rate is between 60-100
What is pulse
Structural support for your organs
Musculoskeletal System
I have difficulty swallowing my food, this puts me at an increased risk of
What is choking
I carry blood away from the heart
Break down of gastritis is
inflammation of the gastrointestinal system
I have to have a diet low in carbohydrates, what chronic medical condition do I have
What is diabetes
Digestive System
I rid waste from the body by filtering the system, I am the
What is urinary system
As the heart ages, it has decreased ability to
What is adequately pump
A nutrient important in repairing tissue from wounds or skin breakdown
What is protein
a female hormone
What is estrogen
I have a history of diabetes, this affects what system
Endocrine System
Muscles that decrease in size are muscles with
What is atrophy
A blood pressure of 160/90 is considered
What is high blood pressure
Tissue is formed when
What is cells grouping together
I am the control center of the body
What is the neurological system