The circulatory system works with this system to deliver oxygen to cells.
The Respiratory system
This disease affects insulin production in the pancreas, leading to high blood sugar
The primary function of the respiratory system is to exchange these two gases
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
The heart is made of this type of muscle
Cardiac Muscle
The process by which oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide is removed
Gas Exchange
The nervous system controls movements by sending signals to this system.
The Muscular System
Asthma is a disorder of this system, causing difficulty breathing
The respiratory system
The skeletal system provides this, allowing the body to stand up straight
Structural support
These tiny sacs in the lungs are where gas exchange occurs
The body maintains a stable internal environment through this process
The endocrine system releases these chemical messengers to regulate body functions
Hypertension is another term for high blood pressure, which affects this system
The circulatory system
The immune system uses these to recognize and fight infections
White Blood Cells
These blood vessels carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
What process helps your body cool down by releasing sweat from the skin?
The digestive system absorbs nutrients, which are then transported by this system.
The circulatory system
What disease happens when the lungs fill with mucus, making it hard to breathe?
The function of the digestive system is to break down food and absorb these
This organ filters toxins from the blood and produces bile
Where does most of the digestive process take place
The immune system relies on white blood cells produced in this system.
The skeletal system
What disease causes the immune system to attack healthy joints, leading to swelling and pain?
Oxygen is carried by the ________ which is the red part of a blood cell
What organ in the body stores bile and helps break down fats
The Gall Bladder
The body removes excess water and salts through this process