Circulatory System
Lymphatic System
Immune System
The Heart

You can think of these like the roads that carry blood throughout your body.

What are blood vessels, or arteries and veins?


True or False: The lymphatic system removes extra fluid and waste from tissues and deposits them in the bloodstream, and causes the lymph to move only in the direction of the heart.

What is true?


The skin is an example of ____________ defense of the immune system.

What is nonspecific?


What are the top chambers and bottom chambers of the heart called?

What are the atria (top) and the ventricles (bottom)?


This cell carries oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the body and carbon dioxide from the body cells back to the lungs.

What are red blood cells?


These are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.

What are arteries?


This gland reaches its full maturity during childhood. As adulthood begins, it is replaced by fatty tissue. It is the site for the maturation of T cells.

What is the thymus gland?


_________ is the condition your body has when it already knows how to make the antibodies for a specific disease.

What is immunity?


The buildups of cholesterol and fat that makes arteries narrower are called _________.

What is plaque?


There are different types of this cell, but all of them keep you well. Some surround infections and others make antibodies.

What are white blood cells?


These are vessels that bring blood back to your heart.

What are veins?


This is an organ found in all vertebrates that breaks down  and recycles red blood cells and platelets.

What is the spleen?


True or False: When you get sick with an illness and fight it off, you can't get the same illness again.

What is true?


The chambers of our heart have ______ between them, which open and close to allow blood flow in only one direction, giving us the "lub dub" sound we know to be our heartbeat.

What are valves?


These cells ensure that if a blood vessel breaks, we will not lose all of our blood.

What are platelets?


The _________ is the largest artery in the body.

What is the aorta?


These are bean-shaped tissues found along the lines of lymphatic vessels, they act as filters that trap the germs that lead to activation of antibodies in the blood.

What are lymph nodes?


What are two ways a person can receive passive immunity?

What is mother's milk and injection of antibodies?


What side of the heart does blood enter after returning from the body cells (full of carbon dioxide)?

What is the right atrium?


Plasma, the liquid part of our blood that is mostly water, makes up ________% of our blood.

What is 55%?


________ are very tiny blood vessels that have thin walls that easily allow the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What are capillaries?


The _______ prevent germs from entering the mouth and nose, they have white blood cells that help in fighting germs.

What are tonsils?


_______ are proteins or carbohydrate chains which the body recognizes as "non-self"

What are antigens?


What is the name of the two large veins that carry the cardon dioxide rich blood back to your heart?

What are the vena cava (superior and inferior)?


What is the scientific name for red blood cells?

What are erythrocytes?