The head
La cabeza
A mouth
Una boca
Plural of "el brazo".
Los brazos.
The verb "doler" means ....
to hurt
Adjectives must agree in __________ and __________ of the nouns they are modifying
The back
La espalda
The hair
El pelo
Plural of "la mejilla"
Las mejillas
How would you say a singular body part hurts?
Me duele _______
The long hair
El pelo largo
Some fingers
Unos dedos
The knees
Las rodillas
El pie.
How would you say a plural body part hurts?
Me duelen _____________________
The big ears
Las orejas grandes
Some teeth
Unos dientes
An elbow
Un codo
Singular of "los labios"
El labio
How would you say "my neck hurts"?
Me duele el cuello
The short legs
Las piernas cortas
A neck
Un cuello
The hands
Las manos
Plural of "la nariz"
Las narices.
How would you "my cheeks hurt"?
Me duelen las mejillas.
Small hands
Las manos pequñas