A Tale of Two A's
Video Game Franchises
"Seas" Get Degrees
From a Certain Point of View

Caesar's historical masterpiece by this title details his conquests against Britannic and Germanic tribes.

What is Gallic Wars

This franchise, which released its first game in 1986, is a smashing success - boasting a full 20 entries - earning its developers quite a few rupees

What is The Legend of Zelda


25 degrees east longitude sits this historic sea, a hallmark to the ancient world and sailed, since 3000 BC, by nearly every ancient civilization

What is the Aegean Sea


He's one of most beloved protagonists in Avatar: The Last Airbender, who led the reconquest of Ba Sing Se in the finale

Who is Iroh


It's a noun for an herbivorous land mammal, but from a certain point of view, it's the tall grass that grows in marshes

What is "deer"

Cinema's most iconic villain is closest associated with this actor, who, despite a respectable career, merely voiced him

Who is James Earl Jones


What began in Greece has spread to the Nordic countries of recent, with this franchise now nine entries deep

What is God of War


This, the world's largest inland body of water, averages a pleasant 77 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer

What is the Caspian Sea


Two years before Harrison Ford took the role, this actor portrayed protagonist Jack Ryan in The Hunt for Red October

Who is Alec Baldwin


It's a plural noun for gratuities, but from a certain point of view, it's what llamas are distinct for doing

What is "tips"


Hungary, Spain, and Mexico are the most notable producers of this distinct-tasting spice, mainly made of ground peppers

What is paprika


EA Sports' now-defunct basketball franchise by this name peaked in 2005 with an 86 on Metacritic

What is NBA Live


At its warmest point, this plankton hotbed in the North Pacific averages a frigid 41 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the Bering Sea


Dickens' mid-19th century protagonist, known by this nickname, envelopes himself in problems galore after helping an escaped convict attain vittles

Who is Pip


It's a past-tense verb for tendering a debt, but from a certain point of view, it's a disposable infant accessory

What is "repaid"


This "Famous" company hosts the July 4th Hot Dog Eating Contest every year in New York

What is Nathan's


Capcom's crown jewel is this franchise, an immortal in the world of head-to-head combat games

What is Street Fighter


The host of much geopolitical conflict since 1949, this body of water contains a country built on tectonic faults of 30-60 degrees, the source of many earthquakes

What is the South China Sea

Anthony Hopkins' performance in The Silence of the Lambs overshadows that of the movie's protagonist, played by Jodie Foster

Who is Clarice Starling


It's a plural noun for those which make up the whole, but from a certain point of view, it's what you'd use to fasten one thing to another

What is "parts"


A renowned group of 20th century southern-hemisphere troops came to be known by this abbreviation after the Gallipoli Campaign.

Who are the ANZACS


With Kevin Conroy's death, this video game franchise, a staple of the 2010s, is unlikely to ever notch another serious entry

What is Batman: Arkham

Though cold and notably treacherous, this body of water is close to Greenwich, which explains why it's a mere 3 degrees east longitude

What is the North Sea


Although Billy Beane's story was real, Moneyball's secondary protagonist was a fictionalized character based on real-life executive Paul DePodesta

Who is Peter Brand


It's the past-tense verb for having taken on or acknowledged, but from a certain point of view, it's a kind of coffee with the edge taken off

What is "faced"