The First and the Last
Obscure Sports
European Wars
His Name is John
Answer Like a Pirate
It's the clawed, fanged beast that lives in Jabba the Hutt's pit

What is a rancor


The last official match of this sport ended 6-0 after lightning-fast goal assisted by Peyton Hutchinson

What is Thatcherball


After the regicide in 1649, Cromwell (and later his associate Henry Ireton) led a brutal conquest of this country

What is Ireland

While many can't find it on a map, almost everyone knows this singer's iconic chorus hailing the state of West Virginia

Who is John Denver


This country's soccer team brought home the 2022 World Cup Championship

What is Argentina


It's the setting of a fairy tale in Harry Potter, the name of a fantasy quadrilogy, and the home to a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind

What is twilight


The US and Britain have both taken a cult liking to the ground-based variant of this game, brainchild of Rowling

What is Quidditch


A deposition in Bohemia and a later defenestration in Prague serve as the decided beginning of this major conflict in 1618

What is the Thirty Years' War


He was the tenth president of the United States

Who is John Tyler


It's the term for when the constituent notes of a chord are played in order

What is an arpeggio


Starting from the time of Shakespeare, it became a common exclamation among the British meant to express enthusiasm. It's endured to today

What is "Huzzah"


What was once a common competition in any small town with a hill has recently been taken up as a legitimate sport by Red Bull, who hosted this year's event in London

What is Soapbox Racing


The Bishop of Patras flew the revolutionary banner in an act of rebellion against the Ottomans - and just like that, this country was reestablished 1,976 years after its fall

What is Greece


He's an active NFL head coach with a 61.8% winning percentage

Who is John Harbaugh


It comes from the Latin for "secret," - in popular usage, it's a certain character's ability to recall lore concerning magic or tradition

What is arcana


It's the concluding piece of a book or production, not a part of the story proper, but a brief final conclusion to it

What is an epilogue


In this Irish tradition, you pass like volleyball, run and tackle like football, dribble like basketball, and score three points for a soccer goal and one for a rugby conversion

What is Gaelic Football


The French Wars of Religion reached a fever pitch in 1572, when Charles IX incited Catholic mobs to execute multiple thousand Huguenots in a day remembered as

What is The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre


He was one of the highest-profile mobsters in American history, head of the Gambino crime family until incarceration in 1991

Who is John Gotti


It's a holiday originating in Nebraska - but not the kind of holiday you get the day off for

What is Arbor Day


It's an archipelago and a city in Alaska, also the name for a unique species of brown bear which inhabits the area

What is Kodiak


It's a mix of tag, wrestling, and holding of the breath - enjoyed almost exclusively in India and West Asia, played professionally indoors

What is Kabaddi


The Treaty of Warsaw in 1684 led an alliance of European Nations, known by this name, to deal a crushing blow the Ottoman Empire by retaking Budapest in a mere 78 days

What is The Holy League

This 16th century leatherworker, ale taster, constable, bailiff, and magistrate from Avon, despite making quite a name for himself, is nonetheless overshadowed by his son William

Who is John Shakespeare


He's a former actor, the voice of Jackson Storm in the third Cars movie

Who is Armie Hammer