Full name of Towers
What is John Barnes Towers Hall?
Busters Kitchen Hours during the weekday.
Name of 3 best nationally ranked majors at BSU
What is Nursing, Business, and Engineering
Nick name for the city of Boise
Name of current starting quarterback for BSU
Names of all freshman residence halls
What is Chaffee, Towers, Driscoll, Keiser, Morrison, Taylor, Square, Sawtooth?
Name of every food station at Buster's Kitchen
What is Homestyle, Delicious without, La Mesa, The Grill, Salad bar, bakery?
Total enrollment, as of Fall 2024, at BSU (In thousands)
What is 27,000?
Name of geographical location that Boise is in
What is the Treasure Valley?
Number of Fiesta Bowl's won by BSU
What is 3?
Year that Towers Hall was opened
What is 1970?
Name of all buildings with dining options
What is Chaffee, Sawtooth, SUB, ILC, MPR, Library, Education, Business?
Amount of programs currently offered by BSU
What is 200?
Reason for Boise initially being founded
What is a gold rush?
What is Bronco Stadium?
Name(s) of first BSU residence hall(s)
What is Driscoll & Morrison?
Previous name of Buster's Kitchen
What is the Boise River Cafe?
Original Use of BSU's location before it was a school
What is Boise's first airport?
What is 63%?
Year that blue turf was first installed
What is 1986?
Name every building apart of suites and square
What is Selway, Payette, Clearwater, Jade, Topaz, Garnet, Jasper?
Full name of manager of Boise State Dining (it is on a plaque in Busters right as you walk in.)
Who is Justin Lord?
Both previous names for BSU prior to 1974
What is St. Margaret's School for Girls, and Boise Junior College?
Name of major airline founded in Idaho
What is United Airlines?
Number of BSU players currently in the NFL
What is 13?