Who is the director of BOLD?
What is Arnold Woods
You can use the BOLD room as a...
what is a quiet study place
what semester can you join bold?
What is Fall semester and spring semester of freshman year
Who are the another co-teachers of BOLD?
Who is Lyric and Bella
What does the BOLD learning community help students do?
what is Learn what makes a good leader and how to become more confident in our leadership abilities within life.
How old is the BOLD program?
what is 5 years old
Name one BOLD member
Aliya, Maya, Jayla, Ella, Melina, Ant, Jensin, Chris, Sidd
A majority of the class content is
teamwork/collaboration with peers introducing you to new and exciting people at ISU
Where is BOLD located?
what is 0132 carver
How many BOLD cohorts are present right now?
What you receive every semester from BOLD?
what is 350$ to be used at the bookstore!
Who created the resource fair today?
what learning community does bold share a room with ?
STEM scholars a community that provides helpful career insight to stem related majors.
What does the class content offer?
What is networking with faculty members to help gain insight and creating your own leadership events
what does BOLD stand for?
what is Bridging Opportunities in Leadership and Diversity