cells of bone tissue
bone histology
bone structures
Bone Growth/Repair
bone dynamics
these are mature bone cells that are found in lacunae. What is their main function?
What are osteocytes? To maintain bone tissue
the functional unit of mature compact bone: long, cylinder-shaped structures oriented parallel to the long axis of bone and main compression stresses
What are osteons or Haversian systems?
the proximal and distal ends of long bones usually containing spongy bone and red bone marrow for hemopoeisis.
What are the epiphysis?
The Clavicle, Flat bones, and the Mandible are all formed through this process.
What is Intramembranous Ossification?
This Fracture occurs only in children, and involves one side of the bone breaking while the other side bends.
What is Greenstick Fracture
These cells produce new bone tissue during remodeling and repair. What do they excrete?
What are osteoblasts? Extracellular Matrix
These canals run perpendicular to the long axis of the bone and contain blood vessels that supply the periosteum, to osteons deeper in the bone and to tissues of the marrow cavity
What are Volkmann canals?
the shaft of a long bone
What is the diaphysis?
Interstitial Growth the epiphyseal plate is due to cell division in this zone, and maturation of cells occur in this zone.
What is Proliferating Cartilage, Hypertrophic Cartilage
The turnover and recycling of minerals give each bone the ability to adapt to new stresses This is an important stress stimulus which causes the mineral crystals to generate minute electrical fields; which increases the attraction of osteoblast to these electrical fields and, once in the area, begin to produce bone and increase bone density
What is regular weight-bearing exercise?
these cells break down bone tissue during the remodeling process thus releasing stored minerals into the blood stream
What are the osteoclasts?
the structure of a matrix of trabeculae found predominately in the proximal and distal ends of long bones
What is spongy bone?
connective tissue that covers the entire outer surface of each bone except in the epiphyseal region where articular cartilage occurs
What is the periosteum?
This is Essential for Appositional Growth, Functions in bone repair, and serves as a point of attachment for ligaments and tendons.
What is the periosteum
This is when the bone shatters.
What is Comminuted Fracture.
These Bone Cells are UNSPECIALIZED stem cells found in the periosteum and are the only bone cells that undergo mitosis.
What are the Osteogenic Cell?
this bone tissue is dense with an organized system of blood and nerve supply; found surrounding spongy bone and where functional stresses are heavy
What is compact bone?
this connective tissue lines the marrow cavity; active during bone growth, repair and remodeling
What is the endosteum?
this is the location of the secondary ossification center during endochondral ossification.
What is the Epiphysis
This is the Difference between Colles and Potts Fractures.
A fracture in the Distal Radius where the head is displaced posteriorly, and a fracture in the Distal Fibula.
These bone cells have increased activity when influenced by the parathyroid hormone(PTH). What decreases their activity
What are osteoclasts? Calcitonin
This is what makes bone tissue hard, and this is what provides bones with tensile strength. Where are these located?
What is Mineral Salts, Collagen. In the Extracellular Matrix
this area produces chondrocytes which are converted to bone as the bone grows
What are the epiphyseal plates? (growth plates)
This is formed first during a fracture. A Bridge is formed by Chondroblast. Spongy Bone holds the broken bone together. Finally changing spongy bone to compact bone.
What is Fracture Hemotoma. What is (Soft)Fibrocartilagous Callus. What is Bony Callus. What is Remodeling.
This Hormone Inhibits osteoclasts activity and so decreases the blood calcium levels. This Hormone increase the activity of osteoclast, and so increasing blood calcium levels.
What is the Calcitonin Hormone? What is Parathyroid Hormone (PTH.)