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The ninth chapter of John tells of Jesus healing a man of a disability present from birth. What was the disability?

What is: Blind


A Pharisee, also described as a member of the Jewish ruling council, comes to visit Jesus under cover of darkness. What is his name?

Who is: Nicodemus


In John 8, after saving the adulterous woman, Jesus speaks to the Pharisees saying, "I am the ______ of the world"

Answer: Light


In John 5, Jesus heals a man. However, there is something about the circumstances of this healing which upsets the Pharisees. What is this?

What is: Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath


In John 18:28, what political position did Pontius Pilate hold in the Roman government?

What is: Governor


John records seven miracles that Jesus performed. The first was at a marriage feast. The hosts had run out of something that Jesus provided. What was it?

Answer: Wine


The third miracle recorded by John involved a man who had been sick and unable to walk for thirty-eight years. Jesus healed him, and he immediately was able to walk. The man had waited by a pool of water noted for healing. What was the name of this pool?

What is: Bethesda


According to John 8:2, at dawn Jesus appeared again and sat down in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him. What was he preparing to do?

What is: Teach them


In chapter 18 when the Disciples asked Jesus, "who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?" Who did Jesus call to Him to sit among them?

Answer:  A little child


When in John 8:58, Jesus made a provocative statement to the Pharisees. Complete the missing name from the quote: "Most assuredly, I say to you, before ________ was, I AM."

  • A. Moses
  • B. David
  • C. John the Baptist
  • D. Abraham

Whi is: D. Abraham


Answer: The scribes and Pharisees


At Jesus' crucifixion, Pilot wrote a sign and had it put on the cross. What did it say?

What is: Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews.


In verses 4 and 5 of John 8,the teachers of the law and the Pharisees told Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" According to verse 6, why did they ask this question?

What is: It was a trap to have a basis for accusing him.


When Jesus arrived at Lazarus' town, one of his sisters came out to see Jesus and made a statement. Christ conversed with this sister a bit and then the other sister approached Jesus, fell at his feet, and made the very same statement! What did both of these sisters say?

Answer: "Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died."


Which Disciple resisted Jesus washing his feet?

Who is: Simon Peter


According to John 9:7, where did Jesus tell the blind man to go to wash the mud out of his eyes?