Actors as Key Figures
Fun around the Board Games
Boxed Board Games

Morgan Freeman played this influential figure in Invictus

Who is Nelson Mandela?


Full of hugs and kisses, but this game can only be won with three of them in common sequence

What is Tic-Tac-Toe?


32 Green Houses, 12 Red Hotels, Lots of play money

What is Monopoly?


Though larger in stature than this military figure, Joaquin Phoenix played the role without being exiled

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


Five individual di - lay them straight, go for five of a kind, settle for a Full House, or take what you can for a Chance or Bonus

What is Yahtzee?


Lots of red pegs, more than white, 10 vessels including two aircraft carriers

What is Battleship?


A famous American culinary wonder, Meryl Streep played the role like a 5-star meal

Who is Julia Childs?


Peg me for 15 for two, or try for the elusive 31 with nibs, as you go around the board in ovals  

What is Cribbage?


4 Racks, 100 Tiles (98 w/letters, 2 blanks) that are all mixed up

What is Scrabble?


In a recent royal movie, this female played the Queen of England

Who is Hellen Mirren?


You may not have a …, if you find Mustard spilling it with the wrench in the Library

What is Clue?


Color-coded armies conquest 42 territories using 5 dice

What is Risk?


Nominated 8 times for an Academy Award, Peter O'Toole played this nomadic role

Who is Lawrence of Arabia?


Each one has varying amount of dimples (dots) as you board the Mexican train, but don’t forget to play it as someone else may jump on yours. At least you may order pizza and have it delivered within 30 minutes or less

What is Dominos?


19 Terrain hexes, 60 roads, 1 robber

What is Settlers of Catan?