UE Bony Landmarks
LE Bony Landmarks

This is the site to avoid when performing CPR.

What is the xiphoid process?


This is the site related to Osgood-Schlatter's Disease.

What is the tibial tuberosity?


OIA for latissimus dorsi.

O: Spinous processes of T6-S2

I: Medial lip of bicipital groove

A: Shoulder ADD, EXT, and IR


OIA for the gastrocnemius.

O: Posterior side of medial and lateral femoral condyle

I: Superior posterior calcaneus

A: Ankle PF and knee FLX


This is the number of bones in a typical adult skeleton.

What is 206 bones?


If you cannot palpate this site commonly caused by blunt force trauma, it indicates a life-threatening medical emergency.

What is the medical clavicle/sternoclavicular joint?


These are the four landmarks that need to be palpated when evaluating the Ottawa Ankle Rules (be specific!).

What are the posterior edge/tip of the lateral malleolus, the posterior edge/tip of the medial malleolus, the base of the 5th MT, and the navicular?


OIA for the deltoid muscles.

O: Lateral 1/3 of clavicle (ant), acromion (mid), spine of scapula (post)

I: Deltoid tuberosity (all)

A: Shoulder ABD (all), FLX & IR (ant), EXT & ER (post)


OIA for the tensor fascia latae.

O: Anterior superior iliac spine

I: Lateral tibial condyle

A: Hip ABD, FLX, and IR


These muscles insert on the anteromedial side of the proximal tibia (bonus 100 points to name this location).

What are the sartorious, gracillis, and semitendinosus (pes anserine)?


These two landmarks are on either side of the bicipital groove (bonus points if you know what muscle inserts on the medial lip of the bicipital groove).

What is the greater tubercle and lesser tubercle of the humerus (also known as the intertubercular groove)?

What is the latissimus dorsi?

The length between these two bony landmarks indicate the true leg length in an individual.

What is the ASIS and medial malleolus?


OIA for the biceps brachii heads.

O: Coracoid process (SH), superaglenoid tubercle (LH)

I: Radial tuberosity (both) and bicipital aponeurosis (LH)

A: Shoulder FLX and HADD, elbow FLX, forearm SUP (LH)


OIA for the piriformis.

O: Anterior side of sacrum

I: posterolateral side of greater trochanter

A: Hip ER and EXT (minimally)


This is the number of sesamoid bones in a typical adult skeleton (bonus 400 points if you can name all the locations)?

What is 16 sesamoid bones (2 on head of 1st MT, patella, 2 on head of 1st MC, 1 on 2nd MC, 1 on 5th MC, pisiform)?


Name and demonstrate the location of the carpal bones.

What is the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate (proximal lateral to distal medial)?


Located on the medial aspect of the foot and known as the "horizontal shelf", this is where the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament and medial surface of the deltoid ligament attach.

What is the sustentaculum tali?


OIA for the rotator cuff muscles.

Supraspinatus: O - supraspinous fossa, I - greater tuberosity of humerus, A - shoulder ABD in scapular plane

Infraspinatus: O - infraspinous fossa, I - greater tuberosity of humerus, A - shoulder ER & GH HABD

Teres Minor: O - lateral border of scapula superior to teres major, I - greater tuberosity of humerus, A - shoulder ER & GH HABD

Subscapularis: O - subscapular fossa, I - lesser tuberosity of humerus, A - shoulder IR


OIA for both peroneal muscles.

O: Lateral side of mid fibula (B), lateral side of fibular head (L)

I: Base of 5th MT (B), plantar side of 1st MT and medial cuneiform (L)

A: Ankle EV and PF


These muscles produce scapular depression (4).

What is the serratus anterior (lower fibers), lower trapezius, latissimus dorsi, and clavicular portion of the pectoralis major/pectoralis minor?


Lister's Tubercle can be found in this location and has this significance.

What is the dorsal surface of the distal radius and it is a landmark for wrist arthroscopy, wrist joint injections, and similar procedures OR a pulley for the EPL tendon?


These are the three landmarks for measuring Q-Angle and the normal measurements for men and women.

What is the ASIS -> mid-patella -> tibial tuberosity, 12-15deg for men, and 15-20deg for women?


OIA for the flexor muscle group of the wrist (bonus 300 points if you can name all of them).

O: Medial epicondyle

I: Ventral surface of 2nd and 3rd MC (FCR), palmar aponeurosis (PL), pisiform/hamate/5th MC (FCU), ventral surface of middle phalanges 2-5 (FDS) and distal phalanges 2-5 (FDP)

A: Wrist FLX (all), RD (FCR), UD (FCU), finger FLX (FDS, FDP)

What is the flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor digitorum profundus?


OIA for each quadricep muscle.

O: AIIS (RF), intertrochanteric line and linea aspera (VLO), and anterior side of proximal femur (VMO, VI)

I: Tibial tuberosity (all)

A: Knee EXT and hip FLX (RF)


These four muscles could have contributions to an abnormal scapulohumeral rhythm (i.e. jerky upward motion, overactive leads to shrugging...).

What is the: 

serratus anterior (weakness leads to scapular winging)

rhomboids (jerky with ecc contraction)

levator scapulae (overactive leads to shrugging to make room for humeral head)

trapezius (upper = shrugging, middle = protraction, lower = jerky motion like rhomboids)?