Une grande surface
What is a " low-cost chain stote"
You can wear me around your neck when you are going to a formal event
Double jeopardy
What is "une cravate"
What is the verb for to choose
What is choisir
I bought 2 shoes for $500 and 1 shirt for $200. How much money did I spend?
What is "sept cents dollars?
Who is the current president of France
What is Emmanuel Macron
Un grand magasin
What is a " department store"
You can wear me when you go jogging in the park
What is a " un jogging/un survetement?
How do you conjugate the verb finir with the pronoun tu
What is finis
Pierre had 1000 dollars and then his dad gave him $300 more. How much money does Pierre have at the moment
Double jeopardy
What is mille trois cents dollars
What is the largest city in France
What is Paris
Une boutique de vetements
Double Jeopardy
What is a "department store"
I cover your eyes perfectly at the beach
What is maigrissons
What is 7 times 5
What is trente-cinq
On which day of the week do students leave school half day (early) in France
What is Wednesday
Une boutique de soldes
When you go to the beach you can wear this
What is "un maillot de bain?
What is the opposite of maigrir
What is grossir
What is 100 divided by 5
What is vingt
French people usually do this when they are getting each other
Double Jeopardy
What is "une/la bise?
Le marche aux puces
What is a " flea market"
I wear these when I am wearing shoes in order to prevent my feet from getting sweaty
What are "les chaussettes"
Conjugate the verb reussir using the noun "Les eleves:
Double jeopardy
What is "reussissent
What is quatre-vingt-six plus quatorze
What is cent
In which region in France did World War 11 take place?
What is "Normandy"