Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Oh My!
I want to solve it solve it...
ch-ch-ch-changes of Percent
I'd Like to Apply for a Percent

What is 25% as a fraction in simplest form and as a decimal?




What is 75% of 40?



Identify the percent of change as an increase or decrease. Find the percent of change. Round the percent to the nearest tenth, if necessary.

20 to 24

increase ; 20%


Find the value of the markup or discount

original: $40.00

percent of markup: 8%



What is 120% as a fraction in simplest form and as a decimal?

1 1/5 



Forty-four is 80% of what number?



Identify the percent of change as an increase or decrease. Find the percent of change. Round the percent to the nearest tenth, if necessary.

72 to 48

decrease ; 33 1/3% 


Find the value of each markup or discount

original price: $6.00

percent of discount: 30%



What is 0.72 as a percent?



Peggy went to dinner with friends. The bill was $82.50. Peggy left a 20% tip. How much money did Peggy leave for a tip?



Identify the new number given the original number and the percent of increase or decrease.

40 to ______

percent increase: 20%



a) Find the selling price once the store applies its percent of markup.

b) Find the sale price for the item using the percent of discount from your answer to part a.

Round to the nearest tenth.

original price: $42.50 

percent markup: 6%

percent of discount: 5%

a) $45.05

b) $42.80


What is


as a percent?



At the end of the day, Mandy sold the rest of her hot dogs at her hot dog stand for half price. She sold 24 hot dogs at half price, which means she sold all her hot dogs that day. If she sold 30% of her hot dogs at half price, how many hot dogs did she sell at full price that day?

56 hot dogs


George bought a house for $210,000. Now, it has increased in value by 8%.

a) How much more is the house worth now?

b) What is the total value of the house now?

a) $16,800

b) $226,800


Nancy went to breakfast with her friend. The waitress brought the bill which was $21.20. They decided to leave a 15% tip and split the total cost. How much did Nancy pay?



There is a 40% chance Tamara will choose a red marble from a bag of marbles.

a) Write 40% as a fraction in simplest form and as a decimal.

b) What is the chance Tamar will NOT choose a red marble from the bag of marbles? Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form and a decimal.

c) If there are 12 red marbles in the bag, how many total marbles are in the bag?

a) 2/5 ; 0.4

b) 3/5 ; 0.6

c) 30 marbles


Kay planted flower seeds in her garden. The package said about 85% of the seeds would grow into flowers. Kay had 119 flowers that bloomed. About how many seeds did not bloom?

21 seeds


You are planning a fundraiser for next year. This year you sold $650 worth of plants. You would like to increase your sales by 30% next year. How much money do you hope to raise next year?



Fadia bought a new computer in Tennessee. The computer was originally $400. It was on sale for 15% off the original price. Tennesse has a 7% sales tax. How much did Fadia spend on the new computer?
