Thoughts for the Tutor
Sections 1 - 3
Sections 4 - 7
Sections 8 & 9

"This book... is concerned with capabilities that enable us to contribute to ______ and ______ conversation."

meaningful and uplifting (v)


What is the twofold moral purpose as described in Section 1?

1. pursue your own spiritual and intellectual growth

2. contribute to the transformation of society (3)


In Section 5, Bahá'u'llah likens the Word of God to a sapling and then states that the roots of this sapling have been implanted, where?

"... in the hearts of men". (6)


According to Section 8, this "is the bearer of joy."

Sacrifice (9)


What does Bahá'u'llah reveal is "The healer of all thine ills"? 

"remembrance of Me." (8)


The focus of Unit 2 is to introduce, what?

"spiritual principles into everyday conversation." (v)


According to Section 1, the Ruhi Institute sequence of courses seek to combine these two things.

"study and action" (3)


Along our journey through the institute courses and carrying out the study and action, this "will be our constant source of inspiration".

the Word of God (6)


According to Section 8, "To receive the bounties of a joyous life of service to humanity, we must be willing to" do, this? It also states that this may require some degree of, what?

exert effort; sacrifice (9)


Bahá'u'llah states "If the heart "does not put its hope and trust in God's Mercy, where can it find," this?

rest (11)


The effectiveness of our conversations will depend on these two things. (Answer must be the exact two words)

qualities and attitudes (vii)


Bahá'u'llah said: "This most great, this fathomless and surging Ocean is near, astonishingly near, unto you." He then used a phrase to describe how quickly we can "reach and partake of this imperishable favor...." What is the full phrase He used? (Hint: It's 7 words)

"Swift as the twinkling of an eye." (5)


Section 7 states that "the joy we derive from service lies in," what?

"... the act itself." (7)


To be able to derive joy from service, we should nurture certain attitudes. Name the two attitudes mentioned in Section 9.

gratitude and optimism (11)

'Abdu'l-Bahá counseled us to, "Gain ye the heavenly _______. Day by day become ye more ________. Draw ye nearer and nearer unto the threshold of ______.  (Fill in the blanks)

treasures; illumined; oneness (9)


What are the three types of conversations envisioned in Unit 3?

1. deepening knowledge of the Faith (vii)

2. discuss concepts and approaches of the children's class program and the JYSEP (vii)

3. conversation among peers  to reflect on the opportunities and responsibilities unique to the period of youth (vii)


The Blessed Beauty counsels us to "be anxiously concerned with," what?

"... the needs of the age ye live in". (3)


Having reached the shores of the ocean of Bahá'u'llah's Revelation, we draw from its treasures and share its pearls of divine guidance with others, how? (Hint: two things)

"liberally and unconditionally" (5)


Section 8 states that sacrifice involves renouncing that which is, what for what?

"... lower for the higher." (9)


"Detachment is as the sun; in whatsoever heart if doth shine it quencheth the fire of," these two things?

"... covetousness and self." (8)

We are encouraged to engage in "the practice of visiting friends and neighbors in their homes to explore themes central to", what? (Answer must be exact words)

"the life of society" (v)


According to Section 1, "Much of what we call 'walking the path of service' consists of applying," what?

"... His teachings to our own lives and to the life of humanity." (3)


Section 7 states that "the desire to have success, to receive benefits, or to gain recognition" should not inspire us to serve. So, according to this Section, what should inspire us to serve?

"the love of God." (7)


Section 8 states that "to achieve our goals" there are three factors involved beyond "magnitude of exertion." What are the other three factors mentioned?

consistency, perseverance and focus (10)


With these, we are counseled to "draw forth from the" ocean of His grace.

 "the hands of renunciation" (6)