Cause and effect, main ideas + supporting details
Inferences, context clues, Adjectives
Advantages/ Disadvantages, Synonyms, Notes
Fact/opinion, suffixes, compound sentences

What is the difference between cause and effect?

Cause is the reason why something happens, and effect is the result. 


What is an inference?

An educated guess made about something using prior knowledge and context. 


What is the difference between synonyms and antonyms?

Synonyms are words with similar meaning, and antonyms are words with opposite meanings. 


What is the difference between a prefix and a suffix?

Prefixes go before the root word, and suffixes go at the end of a root word. 


What does it mean to "appreciate"?

To be thankful. 


What is a supporting idea?

This is evidence that helps prove the main idea. 


Why are context clues useful?

It helps you understand the speech or text more, and it can help you understand unknown words or concepts as well. 


Please come up with one advantage and one disadvantage for the following topic: Being homeschooled. 

Possible answers: not being bullied, can choose what children should learn, not dealing with bad teachers, not having to take a bus, not socializing as much. 


What combines 2 independent clauses to make a compound sentence?

A comma followed by a conjunction. 


What does "balanced" mean?

This is when you have a good amount of each type, for example a diet where you eat a good amount of different foods. 


What is the main idea sentence in any essay called?

A thesis statement. 


How many adjectives can go before a noun?

Anywhere from 1 to 3. v


What are at least two note taking techniques.

Abbreviate, use numbers and symbols, annotate (e.g. underline or highlight or circle). 


True or false: In an essay, it is possible to use both fact and opinion. 


What is an "obstacle"? Please give an example. 

This is a hazard in your path or a challenge. For example, getting past the busy intersection may be an obstacle in you getting to work. 


Please identify both the cause and the effect: I will not be going to the wedding because I lost my suit. 

Cause: I lost my suit. 

Effect: I will not be going to the wedding. 


What makes descriptive adjectives special?

They are special because they describe subjects  in richer detail than other adjectives. 


Please come up with one synonym for each of the following words:

- Eating

- Relying on

- Create

- Consume

- Depending on

- Invent


Please identify at least three conjunctions in the following compound sentences: I really like ice cream, but I can't eat too much. I like fruit as well, so I can eat more of that. I should eat more vegetables, and I should eat more grains too. 

but, so, and


What does it mean to "acknowledge"?

This means that you recognize someone or something. 


Please think of three possible causes for the following effect: My dog got really sick. 

The dog was around a sick person, the dog consumed something toxic, or there was a big weather change. 


Which of the following is a good inference for the word in brackets: Becoming old is [unavoidable] so you must make the most out of life. 

Means something that you must deal with. 


Please identity the correct advantages and correct disadvantages: Exercising in the heat. 

a. Keeps you fit

b. You could pass out easier, especially if not hydrated 

c. Good vitamin D from the sun

a and c are advantages, b is a disadvantage. 


Please think of at least 2 facts and 2 opinions related to the following topic: Driving a car. 

Answers vary. 


What is a "donation"? What is something you can donate?

Donating is giving charity. Often times, this is given in money.