Cause and effect, main ideas + supporting details
Inferences, context clues, Adjectives
Advantages/ Disadvantages, Synonyms, Notes
Fact/opinion, suffixes, compound sentences

Does cause or effect happen first?

Cause happens first. 


What goes along with context clues to help you make an inference?

Prior knowledge. 


When can you take notes?

In class, at interviews, in meetings. 


Is a thesis statement for an argument essay usually based on fact or opinion?

Based on opinion, although fat can be used as evidence. 


What does it mean to "impress" somebody?

It means that you make yourself look good by doing something difficult. 


Why is the main idea so important?

Because this is what the speaker or author wants you to know and remember. 


Please identify at least one context clue to help you know the meaning of the word in brackets: I really enjoy [corresponding] with my friend via email.

Means communicating, and you can tell since the narrator talks about emailing. 


Please think of a synonym for the word "mighty."

Strong, powerful. 


Please identify the suffixes in each word:

- Driving

- Relationship

- Doomsday





What does "authentic" mean?

To be real and reliable. 


Which paragraphs do supporting details go in a 5 paragraph essay?

The middle three paragraphs (called body paragraphs). 


Please pick the best inference for the following sentences: Global climate change is causing damage to our environment. We are losing not only different species, but also freshwater supplies. 

a. If we don't do something differently, the problem will get worse

b. Global climate change is a myth. Nothing to worry about

c. If we don't deal with global climate change, life will go on fine. 

a. If we don't do something differently, the problem will get worse


Please think of a synonym for the words "beautiful" and "good character."

Wonderful, awesome. 

Integrity, honest. 


Please identify the conjunctions: 

- I like soda, but I can't drink it too much.

- Money is valuable, and it gives you status. 

- I need a job, so can you help me?

but, and, so. 


What does "sensitive" mean?

To be easily affected and emotional. 


What is the first sentence of each body paragraph called?

A topic sentence. 


Please identify the descriptive adjectives in each sentence:

Joshua is a kind, polite, and thoughtful young man. 

The school is full of smart, rebellious children. 

Kind, polite, and thoughtful 

Smart, rebellious 


Please think of two advantages and two disadvantages for the following: Working in an office. 

Answers vary. 


Fact or opinion: I think that Bruce Lee is the greatest fighter of all time. 



What is "feedback"?

This is when you tell someone how they did good and how they can improve. 


Please identify the cause and effect in each sentence: 

Because I dropped my food, I didn't eat lunch. 

Bryan didn't pass his test because he didn't study.

Cause: Because I dropped my food

Effect: I didn't eat lunch

Cause: Because he didn't study

Effect: Bryan didn't pass his test


Please make an inference about the word in brackets: I would say that fried chicken is generally more [detrimental] to health than baked chicken is since fried chicken causes weight gain more. 

Means harmful, which you can tell because it gave the example of weight gain, which is not good. 


Please think of two synonyms for each of the following words:

- Happy 

- Anger

- Fake

- Excited, joyful

- Rage, very mad

- False, not real


Fact or opinion: 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese. 



What does it mean to "imply"?

This means to hint at something being true.