Whose island is Ogygia?
"Passage Home? Never. Surely You're plotting something else, Goddess, Urging me-- in a raft-- To cross the ocean's Mighty Gulfs."
Where was Odysseus stuck for 7 years
Who helped Odysseus in these books the most?
(HINT) its a Goddess
Who is unhappy on Ogygia and why?
Odysseus is unhappy because he has been separated from his family for so long and he wants to get home, but he has no means of escaping the island.
She called out to her girls with lovely braids "Stop, my friends! why run when you see a man? surely you don't think him an enemy, do you?"
who does Odysseus meet at the washing pools
Who is Zeus son?
(HINT) He's the messenger of Gods and saves Odysseus from Ogygia
Which three birds are mentioned on Ogygia?
Horned owls, falcons, cormorants.
"At the same time, Odysseus set off towards the city. Pallas Athena, Haboring Kindness for the hero, drifted a heavy mist around him, shielding him from any swaggering islander who'd cross his path"
who did Odysseus ask for a favor from after Athena led him to the palace of Alcinous
Queen Arete and King Alcinous
who asked Zeus to free Odysseus from the island of Ogygia
Hear me, Lords and captains of Pheacalia, hear what the heart inside me has to say. This stranger here, our guest-- I don't know who he is, Or whether he comes from sunrise lands or the western lands"
King Alcinous
who helps Odysseus not die during the storm Poseidon made and how?
the goddess Ino, and She gives him a veil that keeps him safe after his ship is wrecked.
Who helped Odysseus Escape from Ogygia
Which god or goddess says the following: "Let no man holding scepter as a king think to be mild, or kind, or virtuous; let him be cruel, and practice evil ways, for those Odysseus ruled cannot remember the fatherhood and mercy of his reign."?
who told Nausicaa to go wash her clothes in the river?
Athena disguised as her friend