His friend Elsa cut him free
How did Felix escape the chains on the pole?
What word do people use to describe Nugly?
His teacher is a retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel.
What does Hercules feel is the worst part about attending Cape Cod Academy for Environmental Sciences?
Christina Soontornvat
Who is the author of The Last Mapmaker?
"Express the hurt."
What Ellie's mom says she needs to do if she ever wants to have a meaningful relationship?
They hid under hay on the back of a wagon Elsa's mom drove out of town.
How did Felix and his mother leave town?
100 years old
How old is the Franklin Park Zoo?
What is the most beautiful place on the planet according to Hercules?
Three Onions Cafe
Where did the assistants go to get breakfast?
Cerebral palsy
What the "go to jail" Monopoly card is like?
Red Cross Train
Where Kara's mom is going to start working?
What does braai mean?
They hate them.
How do the Neals feel about any kid who has ever lived?
To be seen at the same status level
Why did the Assistants wear uniforms?
A bodysuit that was white with pink stars.
What did Ellie have to wear under her clothes to help her sit up straighter?
She listens to him talk about his family and home.
How does Kara help the man who was injured by a German flamethrower?
A chance for things to just be easy, to just fit in.
What did the collar represent that Emily longed for?
How much does one heart-worm pill cost?
She wanted to learn more about the other Assistants so that she could fit in with them.
Why did Sai act shy and quiet in the cafe?
Floor polish and sweat
What does every gym in every school across America smell like?
Where soldiers live during battle?
Field Hockey
What Nugly wondered, was if rubber tasted like licorice or does all licorice taste like field hockey?
How the light hits someone's face.
What does Mrs. Savage say everything depends on?
What did Sai call the tall Assistant who worked for a Master Pastry Chef near the temple square?
Miniature golf
What did Coralee say was the perfect anti-Valentine's Day activity?