Implicit Bias
Benefits of Self Reflection

What is shooter bias, and how does it relate to school counseling?

Example: studies where participants are asked to decide whether to shoot a pretend gun in response to white or non-white targets in a video game. Historically, participants are faster to shoot an armed target when they are black, and more likely to make an error and shoot an unarmed target when they are black.


Do you see yourself using surveys as a form of self reflection? Why or why not.

-Answers may vary


Example: I was recently speaking with a teacher who was telling me about a student of color in her class who was performing three grades above grade level. I asked if this student was in AIG (academically and intellectually gifted) and she stated he was not. In past years, the AIG teacher sent home paperwork for the parent to sign, but the child never gave the paper to their parent, therefore the child was not tested even though it seems evident that his needs would be best met through AIG support. Thoughts?

-Responses may vary


How would you handle pushback when advocating?How can you work against bias and privilege our entire culture operates in?

Have a plan to handle criticism, educate yourself and others


Implicit bias could be attitude toward education, parent involvement, poverty. 

In what ways do you see bias at your site and in our culture?

-Acknowledge everyone has implicit biases and biases related to race.

Educator may be less likely to offer rigorous core material

-Ex. Teacher makes assumptions made that black student is poor and need more support

-Access to resources


As school counselors, why is it important to reflect on our race, beliefs, family backround, etc.?

There are multiple levels of self-reflection that can unveil patterns of thoughts, beliefs, biases, and behavior.


Example: Central High School in Philadelphia is a shining example of how multiculturalism is encouraged and celebrated in ways that are inclusive and voluntary.

How does your site promote multiculturalism?

Students have autonomy when deciding to share or not share their cultural or racial experience.


What are your thoughts about the ASCA statement on school counselor being "advocates for and affirm all students from diverse population"

Thoughts on the student rights questions listed. Do you see yourself referencing them? Any that stood out to you?

Ethical school counselors advocate equity and access for all students and actively remove barriers. Because of our knowledge about implicit biases, it is necessary for counselors to purposefully work for all students and not rely on our attempts to treat all students equally.


If any, what racial disparities exist at your school? ie. discipline, academic, extracurricular, access to resources

Answers may vary


Student counselor dynamic

What are your thoughts on this Example of cultural awareness: an elementary school counselor who leans on a Ghanaian student to teach the class about being raised in Ghana is using his/her authority as the counselor to give the student the role of educator.

it’s not fair to require a student to teach you how to be culturally aware. The role of the student is participating and receiving education. The role of the educator, including teachers, counselors, and administrators, is to facilitate education.