Good Readers do...
Glows and Grows
Discussion Moves

I need to write down these 2 things during discussion preparation to get a 4.  

Signposts and RCQ's?


Good readers do this when they forget what's happening in their books...

Reread parts of the book 


A character is changing into a different person, what Signpost addresses this? 

Contrast and Contradictions


A student receives a 3 on their discussion preparation.  They have 3 RCQ's and 2 signposts but provide no inference to share their thinking.  What would be a grow for this student? 

A grow would be to explain the signposts you found by making inferences about the book.  


When someone speaks, I rephrase what they've said before I share my thinking.  What move is this? 



If I am able to identify 2 or more Signposts but I do not make an inference, what is the highest score I can receive?  



Brandon gets distracted during Bookclub discussions and starts talking about video games.  What should Brian do to get back on track?  

Set a goal for Discussion and track his progress towards the goal everyday.  


The character realizes something new they never understood before.  What signpost is this?

Aha Moment 


In Discussion, I shared my RCQs and responded to my peers.  What would my glow be?  

Your glow would be sharing RCQs and responding to peers. 

When everyone is done sharing, Sharon find the main points everyone has shared.  Sharon is...



A student is able to discuss their Signposts, add onto the discussion or others and share their RCQ's.  What else should they be sharing to get a 4 in Discussion?  



Jackson prepares for discussion by writing his RCQ's but doesn't have a connection or question he wants to add.  Can Jackson get a 4 in Discussion preparation?  Why or Why not?  

He can not get a 4.  He has to show his thinking by adding in those two elements.  


The character has a flashback and remembers a moment they experienced something with their friend.  What signpost addresses this? 

Memory Moment 


What grow would you give a student who never participates in bookclub when it's time to share their ideas but responds to every group member when they share?

A grow would be to share their own thinking after responding to their peers.  


Ted listens to Jay's point then says he agrees with him and shares more about it.  What is Ted doing? 

Building onto the ideas of others


You've set a goal to get a 3 in reading but find you are distracted and only read 1 page, instead of the 3 you set a goal for.  What grade would I receive in Reading? 



A Bookclub has one member that reads ahead everyday and complains to his members that they read slowly.  How can the rest of the Bookclub respond APPROPRIATELY to this group member to help him stay with his group?  

Have the member reread parts of the book, have the person share a summary of what they've read so far with others.  


A particular phrase keeps coming up in a book.  What signpost addresses this? 

Again and Again


I read out loud to my group but noticed one group member was lost and couldn't find the page.  What grow would we give this club member? 

Make sure everyone is tracking while you read.  


I notice some of my book club members are not sharing at their tables.  I can use this move to address them.



What are the elements needed to get a 4 in Reading? 

Reading is complete, thoughtful analysis and important information is collected throughout.


John does not like his Bookclub book.  He has a hard time making connections because he isn't interested and gets distracted while reading.  What can his Bookclub do to help him?

They can read together, listen to the audio version, talk about connections together.  


An older character shares a life lesson with the protagonist of the book.  What signpost addresses this?

Words of the Wiser


I've followed everything on the rubric as shown by my teacher.  What grow would make me an even stronger reader?

Continue reading and practicing these skills outside of bookclub. 


I want my group member to share more on their idea.  I am asking them to...
