Famous ACTors
Fill in the ____
The number of chapters in Acts. The ideal time to read it is in February, except when it falls on a leap year.
What is 28.
There's no DENYING that I was the star of the first 12 chapters of Acts.
Who is Peter.
How did Stephen die?
What is stoned to death.

He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you ________ me?"

What is Persecute.

My name wasn't always Paul. Even though I only changed one letter in my name, and I used to be named after the first king of Israel.

Who is Saul.
The author of the book of Acts. He also was able to write one of the gospels, despite being a Gentile and a physician.
Who is Luke.
Even after I was scattered when a great persecution broke out against the church, I was able to drive out demons and perform miraculous healings. I even evangelized to an Ethiopian eunuch.
Who is Philip.
What was the sign that the disciples had been baptized with the Holy Spirit?
What is speaking in tongues

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the ________"

What is Holy Spirit.

Before the Lord encountered Paul, he was on the road to this destination.

What is Damascus.
I was Paul's first missionary companion because I'm a great "encourager."
Who is Barnabas.
Paul was released from prison by this act of divine intervention.
What is an earthquake.

The disciples were called Christians first at _______.

What is Antioch.

What was Paul's occupation by trade? He meshed well with Aquila and Priscilla, who understood what was at stake to becoming Christians, even if that meant that others would not touch them with a ten-foot pole.

What is tentmaker.

The name of the high Jewish court. Some were Sadducees and others were Pharisees.
What is Sanhedrin

Why does Paul dislike me? I only abandoned him on our previous trip because I felt so inspired to write my own gospel.

Who is Mark.
When Peter receives a vision from God, he refuses to do what?
What is eat unclean animals.

They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your _______"

What is household.

Throughout the book of Acts, Paul took this many missionary journeys.

What is 3.
Who was the book of Acts written to? Also referred to as the "most excellent."
Who is Theophilus.
A centurion of the Italian Regiment. A devout and God-fearing Gentile, who receives the Holy Spirit after meeting with Peter.
Who is Cornelius.
Eutychus died doing this: something that many of us have been guilty of doing during worship.
What is fall asleep during Paul's sermon.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in ______, and in all _____ and _____ , and to the ________

What is "Jerusalem," "Judea," "Samaria," and "ends of the earth"


Paul ended up shipwrecked on this island and was disappointed to not even find any cute dogs there.

What is Malta.