This apostle wrote the letter to the Ephesians.
Who is Paul?
Paul says we are saved by this and not by works.
What is grace through faith?
Paul urges believers to walk in a manner worthy of this.
What is their calling?
Paul instructs children to do this to their parents.
What is obey them?
Paul wrote his letters to Ephesus from this location.
What is Prison?
Paul says we have been chosen before this event to be holy and blameless.
What is the foundation of the world?
Paul describes all people as being spiritually in this state before Christ saved them.
What is dead in sin?
Paul says believers should put away this and speak the truth in love.
What is falsehood or lying?
The only offensive weapon in the Armor of God is this.
What is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God?
The work of the Holy Spirit brings these into the family of Abraham.
What is the Gentiles (Non-Jews)?
In Ephesians 1:13, Paul says believers are sealed with this as a guarantee of their inheritance.
What is the Holy Spirit?
Ephesians 2:10 states that we are created in Christ Jesus to do this.
What are good works?
Paul compares the relationship between Christ and the church to this human relationship.
What is marriage?
The shield of faith is said to extinguish these attacks from the evil one.
What are the fiery darts/arrows?
If we are the body, this is the head.
Paul prays that the Ephesians may know the riches of this.
What are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints?
his group of people, once "far off," has now been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Who are the Gentiles?
Paul says we should be filled with this instead of being drunk with wine.
What is the Holy Spirit?
Paul describes our struggle as not being against flesh and blood but against these.
What are rulers, authorities, and spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places?
For this reason the ethnic barrier between Jews and Gentiles has been removed.
What is Jesus (fulfilling the Laws of the Torah)?
Paul describes Jesus as being seated here, far above all rule and authority.
What is at the right hand of God in heavenly places?
Paul describes Jesus as breaking down this dividing structure between Jews and Gentiles.
What is the dividing wall of hostility?
Paul commands husbands to do this for their wives, as Christ did for the church.
What is love them and give themselves up for them?
Paul tells believers to put on the full armor of God so they can stand against this.
What are the schemes of the devil?
Paul uses the Armor of God to remind us of what teaching?
What is Isaiah's depiction of Jesus? (We are to be like Jesus)