Blameless Job
Painful Job
Job Friends Speaks
Job Speaks
The Lord Speaks

The bible describes Job as "Blameless" and This

What is "Upright"


Job said this when he saw how much he was suffering 

What is Curse the day he was born

which one of Job's three friends spoke first 

Eliphaz the Temanite


Job said, may those who cures a day curse which day?

What is, the day Job was born


The Lord said this To Job Twice while be was talking to him 

What is, "Brace or(Gird)yourself Like a Man" 


Job said this when everything was taken away from him in Chapter 1.

What is, "The Lord gives & the Lord takes away, may the name of the Lord be praised"


Job did this when he heard the news that he lost everything

What is Shave his head and tore his robe


Eliphaz vision came from this person

Who is the devil 


Job said this When he made time to purify his children in Chapter 1 after their feasts 

What is, "perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts


The Lord had this feeling towards Job and His Friends 

What is Angry/Anger 


It was this persons Idea to test Job because of his Blameless ways.

Who is Satan


Satan hit Job with this sickness 

What is painful sores from the sole of his feet to the crown of his head 


Eliphaz believed in this concept where if you do something to someone, you will get it back

What is Karma 


Job said why did I not _____ when I came out of the belly?

What is Die (or give up the ghost)


The Lord was angry with Job's friends because of this reason

What is they did not speak the truth about the Lord 


Job asked his Wife this question when she said to curse God

What is, "Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?"


Job said...Happy is the man who God corrects; therefore despise not...(fil in the blank)

What is "the chastening (correction) of the Almighty"


Eliphaz said this to Job in chapter 5. "Wrath kills the foolish man and...(fill in the Blank)"

What is "envy slays the silly one." (or simple one)


Job said he came into the world from his mothers womb like this and will leave the world like this 

What is Naked


The Lord gave Job "this" many things as before. 

What is Twice as many things?


Job had this Many sons, daughters, sheep, camels, yokes of oxen, and donkeys 

What is 7 sons, 3 daughters, 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yokes of oxen, and 500 donkeys


Job asked why does death not come to what people?

Who are people who search for it


The name of Job's three friends and where they come from

Who is Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite 


Job told the Lord that he repented in these two things in the last chapter 

what is, "dust and ashes"


Each one of Job friends gave him this 

What is a piece of silver and a gold ring