Name 4 animals in the Book of Mormon?
cattle, sheep, donkey, elephant, curelom, cuelom, fowl, goat, swine
How old was Mormon when he moved to Zarahemla?
11 years old
What is the name of Mormon's father?
Who is the first martyr in the Book of Mormon?
Who was Chief Judge when the Gadianton Robbers were starting?
Name 5 Kings in the Book of Mormon.
Noah, Limhi, Zeniff, Jacob, Mosiah, Amalickiah, Ammoron, Benjamin, Laman, Lamoni, Lamoni's father
How many years from the time Lehi left Jerusalem did Christ come?
600 years
Which book records the longest space of time?
Who moved a literal mountain with faith?
Brother of Jared
Who was King Noah's Chief Priest?
Not using Nephi's family, name 3 sets of brothers in different families.
Sons of Mosiah (Ammon/Aaron/Omner/Himni); Chemish & Amaron; Amalickiah & Ammoron; Shiblon, Corianton, Helaman; Nephi & Lehi; Shule & Corihor
How long were the Sons of Mosiah serving among the Lamanites?
14 years
Who is Jarom's Grandfather?
Which prophet teaches the allegory of "Faith is like a seed"?
Alma the Younger
Who suffered an ignominious death?
Which person does NOT belong to this set, and why? Helaman, Nephi (in 3rd Nephi), Moroni, Alma, Mormon
Moroni (He is not named after his father)
How many people wrote in the book of Omni?
5 people
What is the name of King Lamoni's son?
What is the third thing Enos prayed for?
The Lamanites
Who kills Kishkumen?
Helaman's servant
Which pair does NOT belong, and why? Abinidi & King Noah, Amalickiah & Ammoron, Mormon & Alma the Younger, Amlici & Gideon, Pahoran & Seezoram
Mormon & Alma the Younger (different deaths)
In what year of the Reign of the Judges did the Son's of Mosiah return?
14th year
Who was Jacob quoting for the allegory of the Olive Tree?
Prophet Zenos
Which prophet said "Before you seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God"?
In the book of Ether, which person begins the secret combinations again?
Jared's daughter / Akish