How did we get it?
Prophets 2

This person translated the Book of Mormon

Who is Joseph Smith


This prophet was commanded to build a boat and travel to the promised land.

Who is Nephi


These 2 were Nephi's brothers, and they did not believe the words of Lehi or Nephi

Who are Laman and Lemuel


This person gave a speech on a tall tower and included the message - "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God." 

Who is King Benjamin


The golden plates were buried in this hill

What is the hill Cumorah


The Book of Mormon plates were made out of this type of metal

What is Gold


This prophet was wicked, and then had a vision and became a righteous man

Who is Alma


This vision allowed Lehi to rejoice because of Nephi and Sam, but be sad because of his older children

What is the Tree of Life


This person led the 2000 stripling warriors into battle

Who is Helaman


The Lord wanted witnesses of the golden plates.  How many witnesses did he call? (3 possible answers). 

What are 3 witnesses

What are 8 witnesses

What are 11 witnesses


These items helped Joseph translate the Book of Mormon and start with U and T

What is the Urim and Thummim

This prophet took the records of the other prophets and made them into a book on Golden plates

Who is Mormon


This individual had the brass plates and tried to kill Nephi, Sam, Laman, and Lemuel

Who is Laban


This prophet built 8 barges and had the Lord touch 16 white stones so they had light in the boats as they crossed the ocean

Who is the Brother of Jared


This important figure visited the people in America and His visit is recorded in 3 Nephi 11

Who is Jesus


This individual lost 116 pages of the manuscript that Joseph had translated

Who is Martin Harris


This prophet took the plates and buried them in the ground until the Lord saw fit to bring them to light

Who is Moroni


Nephi broke this while he was out hunting one day

What is his bow


This prophet preached to the wicked King Noah and ended up suffering death by fire

Who is Abinadi


This group of people were bad guys and are very similar to modern-day gangs

Who are the Gadianton Robbers


This individual was the main scribe as Joseph translated the plates.  

Who is Oliver Cowdery


This prophet spent all day praying and received a remission of his sins

Who is Enos


Nephi used this to find his way through the wilderness and across the ocean

What is the Liahona


This scripture was written about this prophet: 17 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto ______, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men. 

Who is Captain Moroni


This is the most important person in the Book of Mormon, and about whom Nephi wrote: "And we talk of _____, we rejoice in _____, we preach of _____, we prophesy of _____, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."

Who is Jesus Christ