Which of Lehi's sons was told to build a boat?
Who is Nephi
What did Nephi build?
What is a boat?
What happened to Abinadi?
What is burned by fire?
What group of people did the Nephites fight a lot through out the Book of Mormon?
Who is the Laminates?
Who preached repentance to Noah’s people?
What is Abinadi?
Which of Lehi's sons saw the same vision of the Tree of Life like Lehi did?
Who is Nephi?
In the song and scripture verse, It says, " I will go, ......"
What is I will do the things the Lord commands?
What was the name of the King that killed Abinadi?
What is King Noah?
What did Moroni create and wave in the air to get people to fight?
What is a flag/Title of Liberty?
Who is Nephi’s dad?
What is Lehi?
Which 2 of Lehi's son's tied up Nephi and was going to kill him multiple times?
Who is Lamen and Lemuel?
What did Nephi brake that everyone was so upset about, he prayed and God helped him build a new one so he could hunt?
What is a bow?
What did Ammon cut off to protect the king's sheep?
What is arms?
What did the Brother of Jared ask God to do?
What is to touch the stones and turn them to light?
Who restored the gospel and translated the Book of Mormon?
Who is Jospeh smith?
What is Lehi's son's name that is righteous like Nephi and believes Lehi and Nephi?
Who is Sam?
What did God give Nephi and his family to guide them in the wilderness?
What is the Liahona?
In the vision of the Tree of Life what did everyone hold on to, to get to the Tree of Life?
What is the Iron Rod?
Who did the Brother of Jared see?
Who is Jesus Christ?
What is the name of our prophet right Now?
Who is Pres. Russell M. Nelson
What are the names of Lehi's 2 sons that were born in the wilderness?
The Lord told them to go back to Jerusalem twice after they have left? What were the two reasons they went back?
How many stripling warriors were there?
What is 2000?
What happened to Alma the younger so that he changed his life completely and stopped destroying the church?
What is he saw an angel?
Name someone that helped trasnlate the Book of Mormon?
Who is Oliver Cowdery, or John Whitmer?