How often Does the Savior do the will of the Father?
3 Nephi 11:10-11
This is faith in Jesus Christ
Ether 12:6
hope for things that are true but not seen
This is the best time for you to learn keep the commandments of God.
Alma 37:35
in your youth
A sign that the Lord is fulfilling His promise to gather Israel in the last days.
3 Nephi 21:1–11
the coming forth of the Book of Mormon
One of the following is NOT required to obtain mercy and satisfy the demands of justice.
Alma 57:21
A) Atonement
B) Repentance
C) Perfection
C) Perfection
In 3 Nephi 27: 20 we find this invitation from the Savior.
Repent and come unto Him
This is the result of the Anti-Nephi-Lehies becoming converted to the Lord.
Alma 23:5-13
They never did fall away
When you choose to repent, be baptized and endure to the end this is the result.
3 Nephi 27:16
We will stand guiltless before God to be judged
What is our role as the Lord’s covenant people?
3 Nephi 29
We carry the responsibility to bless all nations
In Alma 40:21-26 this defining truth is found about what resurrection is.
A reuniting of the Spirit and the body, with all things restored to their proper and perfect frame
This truth is taught in Helaman 5:12
We must build our faith on the teachings of Jesus Christ
This is one reason why the 2,000 Stripling Warriors prevailed over the Lamanites.
Alma 57:21
they performed every word with exactness
Why should all prayers, blessings, and priesthood ordinances be done in the name of Jesus Christ?
3Nephi 18:15, 20-21
He is our mediator with Heavenly Father
This promise is given by Moroni about forgiveness
Moroni 6:5-9
If we seek forgiveness with real intent, we will be forgiven
In Moroni 10:3-5 we can receive Moroni's promise and gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon as we follow his counsel.
Reading it, pondering God's mercy, and asking with real intent whether it is true
The fulfillment of prophecies concerning Jesus Christ's birth teaches this doctrine and truth.
3 Nephi 1:1-26
The Lord will fulfill all the words that He has spoken through his prophets.
God works miracles in our lives according to this.
Mormon 9:20
This priesthood holder can bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Moroni 2
A Melchizedek Priesthood holder
In 3 Nephi 29 this role is ours as a covenant people unto the Lord.
We carry the responsibility to bless all nations
This perspective can help in understanding the Plan of Salvation and can influence our daily choices.
An Eternal Perspective
This type sacrifice was the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Alma 34: 9-10
A) A limited and temporary sacrifice
B) A sacrifice of man
C) An infinite and eternal sacrifice
C) An infinite and eternal sacrifice
When Alma compares the word to a seed, this is the first step he gives for nourishing our faith.
Alma 32:27
Desire to believe
This must occur for an individual to receive a priesthood office.
Moroni 3
He is ordained by someone with authority
The Lord's promise about being humble and faithful follower in our weaknesses.
Ether 12:27
He will make weak things become strong unto them
Double Jeopardy!
The three principles of Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document
1.Act in Faith
2. Examine Concepts and Question with an Eternal perspective
3. Seek further Understanding through Divinely Appointed sources.